Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My Elbows Itch

I mean crazy itch. Like no-amount-of-scratching-helps itch.

Weird bumps and dry skin.

I've been putting heavy cream on them at night,and wearing cut off socks around them; last night I tried hydrocortisone cream.


What the heck could it be?


Chunks said...

Do you rest your elbows on the table much? Maybe it is a new cleaner or just an intolerance to whatever you are using on your table/desk wherever you are sticking your elbows! Try Aveeno, it's got colloidal oatmeal in it. (Whatever that is!)

Either that of you are completely insane.

Unknown said...

Eczema? Eczema is common on the elbows- go to the dermatologist!
Love you name and the spelling!

GayProf said...

Maybe try Aloe? Like Chunks, I suspect some type of cleaner. New fabric softener? Detergent?

Anonymous said...

Is it a new lotion that you are applying to your elbows? I know that is obvious, but it's the sort of thing I would do, and then swirl into a crazy panic. Does it have essential oils in it? It isn't a great idea to be putting either fragrance or essential oils on irritated skin. Maybe put olive oil on instead.

Of course, my butt has been itching lately, just below my waistline. Better your elbows than your butt.

QT said...

I second Eczema, especially with the bumps. It is hormonally affected, so can happen at certain times of the month...go to the DERM!

chella said...

not sure about the elbows...but the dance partner sounds like fun. how ironic...the same age and re-union on the same day. keep dancing...c

Anonymous said...

Hello Rebekah, hows it going. Hope summer is going well, and from a reading of your posts, sounds like it may be. I do read your posts, just wanted you to know that.
Any plans to visit Colorado any time soon? I would like o come out, but work keeps me pretty much planted here, except when I'm traveling for work. No Japan trip this summer, Yukako and I are both so busy (she has been working at a private pre-school). Anyway, wanted to say hi and was thinking of you.
Take care, James