Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm 43.

My birthday.

For the last few years or so, it's actually made me a bit sad. Or maybe I'm just getting my period.

Here's a rundown of the events today:

  • Got up early, picked up my friend and went walking with the Wonder Dog on the beach for two hours.
  • Washed the Wonder Dog, changed my clothes.
  • Went to the Cuban-Brazilian dance class (where the regular teacher was absent; the class wasn't the same). Showered for the first time at the gym.
  • Talked to my well-wishing friend from New York.
  • Met two friends for lunch.
  • Went to the bakery to buy myself a slice of whatever cake I wanted for my birthday.
  • Left the bakery without buying anything. I'm not kicking my own ass exercising to blow it on cake.
  • Went home, sewed a little stitch into my dress where it was gaping open and showing my girls to the world.
  • Talked to another well-wishing friend from Seattle.
  • Picked up my mother at 5 o'clock from her job.
  • Went to dinner with mother at 5:15 (you know these old folks... they like to eat early).
  • Came home.
  • Checked my blog...realized nobody is interested in the songs on my Ipod.
  • Wrote this post.

Nights like these are the ones that get to me. I don't have a group of friends to just hang with, to go out for a drink with. I don't have a significant other to surprise me with some little card on the dining room table.

Remember when your birthday meant a party and goody bags, and inviting Richard Thompson, the creepy kid down the street because your mother said it was bad manners to invite everyone else but him? Pin the tail on the donkey, and my mother's angel food cake which wasn't my favorite but was her specialty so we ate it anyway? Duck duck goose, and prizes and Pinatas.

Oh man, Pinatas. Remember those? (I don't know how to get the Tilda on the "n" in Pinata, so forgive me please.)

Being the one who broke the Pinata sucked because you were blindfolded. You were always a beat behind the other kids who could see the loot before you did when it was scattered on the floor. I would always fake at hitting the pinata when it was my turn.

One time, next door? At Jessie Goode's party? There was the usual requisite candy in the happy face-shaped Pinata, but also two round wooden tokens. If you got one of them, you won an extra prize.

Well, when Jimmy smashed it open, I threw my body down. I mean I covered every bit of the bounty of sweets on the patio floor. When I came up for air, I had about 80% of the sweet tarts and butterscotch disks... but more importantly, I had both of the tokens.

Mrs. Goode first shamed me for being greedy.

Then she made me give one of my tokens to Jimmy.

I wasn't always the most charming of young ladies.


Devo said...

Happy Birthday Rebekah! Sounds like a nice day, hopefully you enjoyed the evening as well. You still haven't told us about the reunion, how was it? I like your kid party stories, that is funny how you body slammed the candy, a girl after my own heart!

Anonymous said...

I have known for two days that your birthday was coming up because it is written on my calendar. I would've looked again in a few days and been skanked that I forgot. I beat you to 43 by a little over a month. Yep, you're the youngster here.

I dig the candy body slam story too, although that is weird since I hate pinatas. It's because I'm sensitive to all the shame that swirls around them. Just like that terrible mom busting you for being a kid. Oh, I dig your line about how you aren't kicking your own ass exercising to blow it on cake.

tornwordo said...

Happy Birthday hon! Sorry I didn't well wish, I don't even know what day it is, let alone the date these days. You're still having a party this weekend right?

I never caught on to the notion that it was better not to be the kid that opened the pinata.

Snooze said...

I know what you mean about not having a specific crowd nearby [because you seem to have many,many friends - they are just scattered around the country], but hey, being an independent cool woman who isn't trapped in a bad marriage is something to celebrate. I raise a glass to you!

GayProf said...

Happy Birthday! You are a Leo -- which a very powerful Sun sign. I hear that things will change for Leos in September.

I admire your resisting the cake. That takes a lot of will power.

Chunks said...

Your birthday is the same day as Murphy's! Now I will never forget it! (Send me your address and I will send you a goody bag next year!)

QT said...

Happy Birthday! Ok, I am a day late in catching up on posts. I have one friend, really, my SIL to celebrate anything like this with, so I feel your pain.

After my first stint at busting open the pinata, I came to the same realizations, trust me. Tho mine was mostly because I got trampled and couldn't see.

CoffeeDog said...

Happy belated bday!