Pretty clouds.
That's what they were.
Tomorrow's the first day with the kiddies. For the last hour I've been working on an example poem I'm going to make the kids write. I forgot I needed to do it until...uh... an hour ago. But, I remembered, and it's all good.
It's based on this poem. The kids will read it, get paired up, interview each other, then write a poem about where their partner is from. Then, when it's finished, the two go up to the front of the room later this week, present their poems, I take their pictures and boom, I have decorations and interesting eye candy for back-to-school night.
And, I think it's going to be more interesting than the "Dear Ms. Teacher," letter that so many of them end up having to write.
Oh, and I got some more cards this year to give everyone in the department for the first day of school. Of course, I've only filled out one of them so far, so I better get to it if I want to get to bed at a normal time.
Wish me luck!
Good Luck!
I still have another week -- Must complete syllabi and course schedules.
Good luck! I start today too ; (
Good luck to all you teacher types out there!
Wondering how your first day was.
And really liking the pic you posted.
Hope your first day with the kiddies was good! What grade do you teach?
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