Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weirdness this morning

So, the sky is looking very orange and strange right now; the Zaca Fire is raging away. It started on July 4th, and isn't expected to be contained for at least another week. A fine coating of ash is on everything... even inside my house. Up at the Institute last week, we were only 10 miles from it, but even here, it's a bit nerve-wracking.

Also, I'm not sure what was causing it, but there were 4-5 big sonic boom type vibrations this morning. I don't live too far from Vandenburg air force base, so every once in a while we'll get them, but there's been nothing in the sky I've seen so far today. Charlie and the birds outside have gone wacko each time it's happened, and I just want to know what it is.

Lastly, remember the pictures I took yesterday? Well good thing I did. I can at least document there was something there. After going out this morning to check out the heavens, I looked down at my sad little tomato plant, and this is what I saw:

That's right. I have one hopeful little tomato, and some rotten critter stole it! I looked all over for perhaps as least the remnants of it, but nothing. We have rabbits and skunks and squirrels and rats, but none of those are really big enough to haul away the whole tomato, right? A raccoon could have done it, but I've not seen one in the 4 years I've lived here.



Chunks said...

Oh NO! You really will have to steal one (at least one!) of your neighbors' tomatoes!

Doug said...

Fires like that are scary. We had a few not too long ago (though not week- or month-long fires). I get horrible sinus problems when the air is smoky.

Could the sonic booms be small earthquakes?

:( about your tomato. Remind me to not be a tomato farmer next to Chunks. ;)

Anonymous said...

It was me. I craved green tomato salsa and I also wanted to test my theory of tomato vine growth, so I drove up last night and spirited away your one tomato.

I was humming the Grinch song.

tornwordo said...

No! That's why I didn't plant any this year. Just as they were getting ripe last year the squirrels got them.

r said...

em: you totally cracked me up today.