Sunday, July 29, 2007

This weekend

(Before I begin, Happy Birthday to my good friend Torn. He's been on earth 42 years.)

Yesterday morning, Katrina and I took our dogs on the trail behind my house. It was early in the morning, and crossing the dry creek bed, this is what we saw:

Cool, huh?

Later in the day, the Zaca fire, which has been burning since July Fourth, flared up again. The sky was filled with smoke.

And this morning? On the car that I just had washed Friday? It looked like snow had fallen.

Don't worry, I'm not that close to the actual fire. The winds however, bring it all down the pass right to my lucky house. Not too good for my asthma either.

They are predicting to have it fully contained by Friday. That's a full month practically of fire.

Ah. Southern California in the Summertime.


Chunks said...

Love the sunbeam photo! Is there anything more magical that the sun shining through the trees?!

Yuck about the smoky fire. I hope they can get it under control soon!

Anonymous said...

Yeah T, happy birthday! And I love that sunlight photo too, very nice.

tornwordo said...

So dry up there. Love the God shot.

QT said...

Loving those photos - and the fallout from the fire - CRA-zy!

Doug said...

Neat pics. That smoke cloud looks nasty. I hope it clears up soon.