Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tomorrow it's Vegas Baby, Vegas!

I'm joining the crowd and leaving tomorrow for the next few days. Torn and I are going to Vegas. We'll stay downtown (Free!), gamble, drink, eat, repeat. Maybe we'll go to a show. we've been going to Vegas for at least 15 years, and in all that time we've seen one show. Mama Mia, last year, after I won the big pot. This year it's Torn's turn to win, I feel it.

Today we celebrated Mumsy's 71st birthday. Brother, Sister-in-law, Sister and Niece all drove up for her lunch. It was nice. Mom's favorite place is the Beachside Cafe. Not mine, but it's right on the beach, and she likes that. From one of my relatives she got, a framed picture of her granddaughter, and then, another framed picture of her granddaughter, and then...let's see... a third framed picture of her granddaughter. Don't worry, that's not all she got. She also got from this same relative, a photo album of aforesaid granddaughter.


However, it seemed Mom was pleased with it all, and the baby is a pretty darn cute baby. I'm no longer allowed to post pictures of her here, but take my word for it.

It's damn hot right now, about 95 outside, 84 degrees inside. I could tell it was going to be warm this morning, so took the Wonder Dog for a long walk when I first got up. Knew I was going to be out for a while, and wanted to tire him out a bit.

However, when I got home a while ago, he was acting weird. Underneath the dining table and not jumping around like he usually does when I return. He always seems so relieved to see me...
"Hey, it's that girl! She came back again."

Not today. Nope.
I puttered around a bit in my bedroom, got a drink of water, then walked in here, the computer room.

Yes, it appears Charles, my perfect little angel, had gotten into some mischief whilst I was gone.

Those big gray tupperware tubs? and the two smaller bins of CD's? They had been stacked on top of each other. I've been ripping all my CD's to my computer, and so the boxes are out.

Now, I don't think he was looking for music ("You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog," " Puppy Love," "Who Let the Dogs Out?"), but you never know. Truly, he is a climber, and I think he thought he could get to the window that's above the blue fabric on the top left of the picture.

I actually freaked out a bit, thinking he must've hurt himself, but no, he seems to be just fine. Contrite, but just fine.

The more I think about it, the more I see not having children does have its advantages.

ps: What are other Canine song titles?


CoffeeDog said...

Charles, what a cute name. You crack me thinking he's relieved when you come home. Wonder if most dogs experience that? Whew thank god your home, now feed me.

Have fun in Vegas!

GayProf said...

Enjoy Vegas! I don't know if I am more jealous of you for getting to hang with Torn or jealous of Torn for getting to hang with you.

Chunks said...

You should give your mom pictures of Charles the Wonder Dog for her next birthday. HAH!

I can always tell if Taz has been up to no good by the way he greets me too. Usually he sleeps the whole time I'm gone though, fat little sloth.

I wonder if you and Torn will talk about any bloggers when you are together? Just curious to know if my name is mentioned. LMAO!!!

QT said...

Have a great time on your trip!

Our dogs are the same - cowering when we come home after they have done something like get in the trash in the other roon, etc.