Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I love good ones. I get on a roll, and can't stop reading. Eat, Pray, Love was the one I already talked about; so good I want to buy my own copy now so I can mark it up and go back to the parts that really touched me.

Next was Hypocrite in a White Poufy Dress, which I almost finished, but then misplaced and have just found today. For any girl who was born in the 60's and grew up in the 70's and early 80's, this is hilarious. A memoir of her life, and it rings true on every page. I love that she wrote it because (in her words),

"So many of the stories women are currently telling are all about getting a man. Or about getting over a man. Or about getting laid. Or about not getting laid. Or about not getting laid and not getting a man, but deciding we're okay with it."

You can all probably guess why I like this book and the author.

And then, because I had misplaced the book above, I started reading, Bright Lights, Big Ass. It's by the same woman who wrote Bitter is the New Black, a book I definitely will have to go out and read now. This book is also funny, in the all-by-ones-self, laugh-out-loud-until-the-dog-freaks-out funny. It's also true, and tells the story of her life after losing everything in the dot-com bust, and now having to day dream about IKEA and Target and Trader Joe's. She has turns of phrases I wish I had come up with. I'm halfway through that one now as well.

Now, don't tell me, I already know, I wouldn't make it as a literary critic. I don't know how to gush properly, I know that. I also know that neither of the two books just described would pass muster at my book club.

I don't care.

Next on my list is The Time Traveler's Wife. That one's supposed to be great. So see, sometimes I read lit-tra-chure... and sometimes, well, I have fun.

One of my students asked me last week, "Ms. Teacher? Do you just sit around all the time, and just, you know, read?" As he asked me he made a face that seemed to compare reading with picking up dog doo.

And he was an Honors student.

13 days... that's all I need to get through.


Devo said...

Oh the melodic sound of teenage sarcasm. What-ever! What a little turd lump. And the countdown continues.....Sounds like some great reading by the way.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I think I may have been just like the kid you describe asking if you actually read books-hum, sounds a little like me? Then again, no. I was never an "honors student". You know, smoking pot 3x a day can do that to you.......glad I got it out of my system young! Just finished, Let My People Go Surfing, by Yvonne Chouinard, founder and ownder of Patagonia. A very inspiring business book for someone who considers themselves a, "progressive business person". Take care-James

tornwordo said...

I love a fluffy book once in a while. I picked up Angels and Demons at the library yesterday - they didn't have eat, love, pray.

Snooze said...

I just read The Burned Children of America - a collection of short stories. It was amazing and rekindled in me a love of literature (I haven't read much lit in about five years, although I did read Hypocrite in a Poufy White Dress) Reading your passion for books makes me want to read more! [because I'm not a teen boy]

Chunks said...

The Hypocrite in the White Pouffy Dress sounds awesome! I'm not into Lit-ra-ture, but I do enjoy a good book!

GayProf said...

I am currently reading a history of flight attendants. My tastes tend to skew toward non-fiction (but I do love fluffy novels when I have free time (and fluffy non-fiction, too!)).

thailandchani said...

Hypocrite is definitely a book I'll pick up.


CoffeeDog said...

Bright Lights Big Ass - ha, love that.

My I suggest an author that I love, her name is Hollis Gillespie. http://www.hollisgillespie.com/

Showtime bought the rights to some of her material and is going to do a series. Should be a hoot.