Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thirteen Thursday # 13 (oo... is there something special about that?)

So today? I woke up grouchy and stayed that way. No reason to be at all, just was. It was payday for goodness' sake. Anyway, to cheer myself up, I'm going to list thirteen things I like about myself. And yes, next week will be the thirteen things I'd like to change.

  1. I can laugh at myself. Everyone says they have a sense of humor; but often, let's just say, it's not really the case. Almost every situation has some kind of humor in it; and I know the difference between wit and sarcasm.
  2. Good grammar. I could write a whole post on the grammar and spelling mistakes on the emails I'm getting from guys on the dating site. Some folks say my being picky about grammar is close-minded; I say it weeds out the lazies. I mean really, is it that hard to spell-check?
  3. Nicely scented. Or at least, never stinky scented. I'm almost a fanatic about keeping the dreaded B.O. at bay. My mother once told me I smelled bad, and needed to start wearing deodorant. I was 10. So yeah, maybe I am a little neurotic about it, but still. And I've always got some lightly fragranced body lotion on as well. Never that overpowering stuff that makes people sneeze.
  4. My thoughtfulness. I got this from my mom too, so it all evens out. I love getting little cards for people for no reason, buying some silly little thing just to make someone smile. I call, I write, I stay in touch. I'd rather invite someone to a party that wasn't my favorite person rather than hurt his or her feelings. Of course, unless I intentionally wanted to hurt his or her feelings. Which is rare. Not impossible, mind you, but rare.
  5. I can remember details like no one's business. I don't know why, but I do. I can remember what I ate for dinner before the the Homecoming dance in 1980 ( Pecan-crusted Chicken), what was said to me the first time my heart was broken ("I think I like men."), and what I was wearing on the plane when I left for Japan (fuchsia tee-shirt, black stretchy pants with a purple waistband, flat black shoes and a straw hat [SHUT UP! It was 1988 for God's sake. Besides, I'm not talking about my fabulous fashion sense]).
  6. It's pretty hard to embarrass me. I'll say most anything to get a laugh, or even to shock someone. Many years ago, some friends decided this was a problem, that I wasn't lady-like enough, so they started "Operation Becky" to make me more... uh... refined. It didn't take.
  7. Apologies are not hard for me to give if I am wrong.
  8. I'm tenacious. Almost every important thing in my life that I've attempted, I've also failed at. I'm not a shining star, I'm the little engine that could. My personal label for this? Queen of the Second Chances (which, you know, means I will go to England next time on that Fulbright).
  9. I'm a good friend, and a loyal one. Most of those close to me, have been close to me since my teens. Now, some of that is luck, but I can't attract all these quality people just by chance. Once I'm your friend, you have me for life. Back to the "I call, I write, I stay in touch part (By the way, James? Sorry I've been so bad about that lately).
  10. I know what's important in life. People. Oh sure, I love a nice new pair of black wedge sandals as much as the next, freshly pedicured girl, and being able to buy the gourmet brand of Buttermilk Herb potato chips, but they aren't all that compared to my relationships. A night spent playing Cranium, and laughing until it brings on a pee-inducing, asthma attack? Now that's quality.
  11. I LOVE the fact that I'm smart. I didn't do anything to be that way, just happened, so I can actually say that without being conceited, although to be honest, I am a bit conceited about it, even though I have no right to be. Wait, that's next week's post. It's rare that I feel intimidated by another person when I'm in a conversation. Even when I don't get something, I have full confidence that I will, eventually. Instead of being nervous, I get excited when someone or something challenges my brain (God. I really am full of myself, aren't I?)
  12. Pretty blue eyes, good smile, great chest. Again, I did nothing for these (parents paid for the orthodontics that created aforementioned good smile), but I have 'em. Glad I do.
  13. Hope. Sometimes I've even thought it would be easier to give up; you know, have little to no expectations or dreams? But I never do. It goes along with faith and grace, two of my favorite abstract ideas. Hope doesn't actually make anything happen more easily or quickly or at all, for that matter, but it does make our day to day lives, those with dumb-ass drivers, or presidents, a little more pleasant.


tornwordo said...

You go girl! The smart one made me giggle.

Chunks said...

I think we should all make a list like this from time to time. I like that you are smart and feel good about it. I also think it's awesome that you can have a pee-inducing asthma attack with a good dose of laughter!

GayProf said...

E-mails from potential bf's with obvious grammar and/or spelling mistakes? Application: Rejected.

I can't spell to save my life (seriously -- I would be dead just writing of this comment). Still, I do know the value of at least trying to use SpellCheck.

The way you buy cards for people (such as the time when you bought cards for your fellow teachers on the first day of school) really impresses me. It's my goal to be that considerate...

GayProf said...

(seriously -- I would be dead just writing of this comment)

Proves my point. Sigh You can go ahead and reject my application, too.

thailandchani said...

Great list! I wish everyone could see these things so clearly... and acknowledge the source.

I feel the same way about grammar and spelling errors. I admit to my share but can directly lay it at the feet of a lazy moment.

