Wednesday, May 16, 2007

40 hits

That's how many folks checked in today on my blog.

And NONE of you posted a comment!

Okay, so about seven of those hits were me, checking my blog...even so.

And yes, thanks to Chunks, I'm not totally skunked, but still...

And anyway, she commented last night (thanks Roxanne).


My self-esteem has just been reduced to junior high levels. You know, how you wore (what you thought were) that great pair of rainbow jeans? The ones that had rainbow-hued threads running up one leg, across the waist and down the other leg? And how you pleaded and begged your mother to buy them for you, because everybody was wearing them? And she finally did buy them, but they weren't quite the right pants? They were the Fedmart imitation rainbow jeans? But you wore them anyway because you thought it would still be cooler than what you usually wore?

And it wasn't.

The cool girls, Sue Smith and Claudia and Barbara all laughed at you?

I'm not that low tonight. But almost.


Snooze said...

I read your post yesterday but was at work - sometimes I don't like to be on long there. I was on my break, but it doesn't look good. I love your posts darlin'.

I was odd enough in grade school. Luckily my mother bought me the exact brand name jeans or I would have been further isolated. In my school we all had to have white Nikes with the blue swoosh [grade five].

Anonymous said...

I blogstalk you every day, but never comment because I just enjoy your post. I don't have a blog for you to comment on, so I figure I don't really have to say much.

Doug said...

Hey there! Sorry it's been so long since I commented. I've been asleep.

I have some catching up to do, so here's a week's worth of comments:

Re: garage sales: I hate doing them. It breaks my heart to sell $200 items for $2.00, and still have to negotiate to get even that much. I think Goodwill and their ilk send out the bargain hunters to garage sales to discourage people from having garage sales and instead donating stuff to them. I know, that sentence didn't make sense.

The next time you want to have a garage sale, let me know and I'll send you $100 and you can donate your stuff. It will make me feel good that I'm saving you from that hell.

Re: kids and parents: I never will understand how teachers do it. You must have a mental "LALALALA! I can't hear you!" that blocks out the stupidity so you can survive day to day.

St. Dickeybird said...

I was going to comment, but didn't want to admit to probably being a crutch-thief, or at least finding it funny.

And you're not alone, my readership has become nomadic (or silent) too.

Devo said...

I loved your story about school, it made me laugh! I am usually quickly reading and then coming back later to re read and then comment if I have time so I am a serial lurker-sorry! I used to think I could be a teacher, but now I know it takes a special person to do it day in and day out and still keep a sense of humour. And even then.....Have a great weekend!!

tornwordo said...

Guilt induced comments, lol. I hope you're feeling more cheerful today!

chella said...

shame us into commenting! it works! check out my new posts. chella

Chunks said...

Wow, I am glad I had the ball on that last one so I don't need to apologize LOL!

I never wore what the cool kids wore, I always just wore what I had, so I know your pain!

I love that you guilted everyone though! You really ARE a teacher!! LOL!

GayProf said...

Sorry -- I have had a friend in town and haven't been as able to check up on blogs. I would have commented, though.