Sunday, September 10, 2006

Another story

Everyone has a September 11th story. We all know where we were when we heard what had happened in New York, then Washington DC, then Pennsylvania.

We seem to be bombarded with images and shows and memorials this time around. Is is because of the five year mark? Is it far enough away to actually have some perspective? I don't know.

I'm wondering if tomorrow it will just be overload if I write about my own September 11th story. Just another person on another blog, writing about a day that changed things. I wasn't there; no where near the East Coast. No one I knew was killed or injured.

What can I say that hasn't already be said, and more eloquently, by someone else?

I can't.

But, my story is mine. When it comes down to it, it's all we do when we communicate. Tell stories. We want to be, need to be heard. Reassured we aren't alone.

Isn't that the reason we blog?


GayProf said...

I'd rather hear your story than a tele-movie of the week.

St. Dickeybird said...

And your story, so far, is thankfully unusual. No desparation, death, or destruction as of pt.1.