Thursday, September 07, 2006

Keeping it together

He didn't make it.

It was a bad bad day here at school. Teacher's meeting before classes started to make sure we were all prepared for the kids and how they would react. Then, the announcement in the early morning of the accident, then the one just before lunch telling us that he had died.

We had extra psychologists from the other schools here to help not just the students, but the adults who were having a hard time.

I've never seen my principal cry in 10 years. Until today.

I had a few moments talking to my students today when my voice got wobbly and they could tell how close to tears I was. I tried so hard to be strong for them, answer their questions honestly, but comfort them at the same time.

God damn it. I know it's part of life, that accidents happen... I know this... but it's so God Damn unfair.


GayProf said...

I am really sorry for him. Recently a young man that I used to babysit died in an auto accident. He was only 18. I had not seen him since he was a little boy, but it still really shook me.

When these things happen, it's hard not to think about all the things that they will never get to see and feel.

I am also really sorry for his parents and all the people who loved him. That loss must be awful.

tornwordo said...

Tragic. And so unfair. All the life missed.

At the same time, grief is one of life's exercises. Not a fun one, but a valuable one nonetheless. Sending hugs.

Chunks said...

This has not been a good week all around, I'm afraid.

It's so sad that he didn't make it. He is lucky to have had such a warm and caring community in which to grow in for the short while he was here. My thoughts are with his family. And you.

St. Dickeybird said...

Like 'Wordo said.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is awful. I feel sick for the pain his parents and family must be feeling. It is so true what Em says, living life is full of risk. I can't imagine losing one of my children, I would truly wish to die. All the best to you and your students.