Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mini heart attack

So, I'm writing this honking long post, but because of prior knowledge, I'm writing it on Word and saving it before I try to post it on Blogger. I've lost too many words that way. Anyway, I was just winding down for the night, was curious how many words I'd written (956!) considering that I wasn't more than halfway finished with my piece, checked the word count, and boom!

There's that scary "Windows has detected a fatal error in the program you have been working in, and is now shutting down. You may lose information that has not yet been saved."

And it shuts down.

Cries of anguish.

But, hooray. All is well. Not sure if I'll finish it tonight, but there's quite a start.

1 comment:

Doug said...

lol...ain't technology great?