Saturday, July 30, 2005

spending money

I love buying things. I get a thrill from a new shirt or lipstick or even getting a peppermint mocha from Starbucks.

However, I never seem to have the good ideas when it comes to selling things. Ebay has become a goldmine for some folks. My brother made $1200 off of a $7 yard sale purchase of an obsolete video game player and several out of production games ( I can't remember the name right now, but I know one of the game cartridges was for Frogger. The original one). A lipgloss shaped like a penny from Avon went for $120 on Ebay a couple of years ago. It was used, but it was a collectible. It was from the 70's. I had one when I was twelve.

Just today, a person told me she sold a $12 sparkling edible body powder for $70. Who the hell spends that kind of money for something like that?

And here is the greatest scam of all; used flip flops. All her auctions are for the same kind of thing. $25 already with three days to go for a used pair of $1.99 flip flops. It's got to be some weird foot fetish thing. Dirty flip flops? I guess pervs pay a lot for what they want. I have used flip flops. I have used undies too (although I don't think they let you sell them without washing them).

I'm not proud. If someone wants my gross icky stuff, great. Live it up.

Where's that digital camera?


tornwordo said...

Are you serious? Used flip flops? That's plain weird. What next, I'll sell you a wad of my spit?

pushthebutton,max! said...

Okay, first Baby Man and now foot fetishes. Are you trying to tell us something?

eBay was my greatest triumph, and sadly, my greatest downfall. I'll tell you about it sometime.