Monday, July 16, 2007

So many things to write about

You know how sometimes there's so much to do that you can't get started on anything? That's how I feel right now.

Vegas, then a visit from my buddy from New York, then the four-day institute I went to... I have oodles of stuff to say, but can't get started.

I've been off-line for a while.

Let me just state though, Chunks is my current hero for her shaving-her-head-for-a-good-cause and posting the pictures of it. My hair is super short, but I don't know if I could actually walk around completely shorn.

I'll gather my thoughts. Take some photos. Then I'll "hold forth" as my mother has put it.

The last couple of weeks has stirred things up.


Chunks said...

Write about your vagina. That's what I do when I can't think of anything to write, or when the rest of it is too complicated. LOL!

I'd like to shave my head again right now. It would be easier than styling it. Kramer-hair again this morning. meh.

Snooze said...

chunks looks great. I would be scared of me bald.

Can't wait to read all your updates once you get inspired to write!

tornwordo said...

It's time for you to do a vlog. Chunks did one and it's awesome.