Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Got up this morning to take out the trash, and what do you know? Three little baby quail running around again.

And one that didn't make it.

I put the three back into the bush again, and now am trying to figure out how to make a step for them. They are so small, I think it would need to be a ramp somehow.

And I'm worried about touching them too much.


tornwordo said...

One's gone? Or dead. Guess it doesn't really matter. A ramp sounds good.

Chunks said...

A ramp is a good idea. If they are wandering around, they are probably past the "scent of a woman" phase of their mother rejecting them. But they are birds, and I don't really know anything about birds since they freak me out.

You're a good egg for being so concerned about them!

GayProf said...

Maybe just a simple plank of wood from the hardware store? I am assuming it won't be long before they are old enough to hop up on their own.

And just what type of mother is this quail to let her chicks get stranded like that?

Doug said...

Awww! I'm with the consensus that a ramp sounds like a great idea. Or perhaps a little quail escalator? A quailalator?

Snooze said...

I don't know - maybe this group just aren't meant to be. They could be a quail cult intent on suicide and you just keep putting them back.

QT said...

I read the first quail post - how freakin cute! DOn't worry about touching them, the "smell" thing is a myth, as very few birds can actually smell. Those that can are sea birds and turkey vultures.

A ramp might be a good idea, but in about a week they will be able to hop up there on their own. They grow very fast.

I am amazed a cat hasn't got them yet!