Sunday, June 03, 2007

Perhaps I'm just too silly

So, the lovely picture below? You know, with the messed up hair and the goofy visor? I had just won not only one, but two prizes at our annual school golf "Open."

I've worked there for 10 years, and I've played golf 10 times. If you could call it playing golf. I truly suck at the hand-eye coordination stuff.

However, I do make an effort to win the best outfit award. And, yes, I won for that again this year. On the left of the picture is my prize; purple golf balls which will roll around in my car until the tournament next year.

In addition to the fabulous K-mart head wear, I have on brown/green/white plaid Bermuda shorts and green tennis shoes. Oh yeah, I got it down this year. I'm going to be hard pressed to top it.

The surprise was that my partner and I won the tournament itself. I didn't realize it until I heard his and my name. Of course, he's the best golfer in school, and since we played the best ball... you see I really had nothing to do with it except to hit balls in the water and scare birds with my crazy hits.

Two weeks people, two weeks! That's what I have left before the freedom of summer vacation.

Of course, in the meantime there's a certain person's birthday I have to attend, and a cradle I have to get down from my mother's attic and get into my car to bring with me for the birthday , and oh yeah, the presents for unnamed person's birthday from my mother because she can't take all that on the train, which she is taking down next Friday (and of course I'll be driving her to the station, and taking her home after the birthday party on Sunday), and then two weeks later a christening I am attending for the same unnamed person's baby which is fine but there's going to be a party afterward, and I'll have to pick up my mother to take her home from that shin-dig, because, like I've said, she doesn't drive on the freeway, at night or any distances over 10 miles.

However, I should count my blessings I suppose, since both times I am only going for a few hours, instead of overnight, due to Charlie's attractiveness to Gargantua (unnamed person's dog) as a snack rather than a playmate.

So, let's just say I am impatiently waiting for July first, and leave it at that.


tornwordo said...

Woo-hoo, July 1st. Vegas baby, Vegas. Me too, it's the only thing keeping me going.

Chunks said...

Are you bringing that visor to Vegas? I really think it would look great on Torn!

Congratulations on your golf win *golf clap*

You are too good for people. You know that, don't you?

GayProf said...

I am jealous of your vacation plans... and maybe of the visor.

Lucia said...

That summer break's a'comin'! Gee, I'm really wishing there was a pic with the shorts and the shoes!