Monday, April 02, 2007

What Not to Wear

I so love this show. I'm home on break still, and was vegging out in front of the marathon of this last night. The hosts are horrible to the women that are on the show, but if I could get $5000 for new clothes and a trip to New York, I'd deal. The whole new hair and make up thing I could get behind too.

Although, I don't have much hair at the moment for them to fiddle with.

However, the kinds of women they choose never seem to be, how shall I put it, the full-figured types. Oh, they'll have some big-breasted size 10 woman, but not a truly large woman.

When I talk about losing weight, so much of it is wrapped up in the clothing choices I would have. We all know that no matter what our size, we have problem areas; our butt is too big, too small, too flat, too shelf-like. Our arms are too fat, too jiggle-ly too scrawny. Our waist is too big, our hips are too big, our thighs are too big, our chest is too small.

It seems to me though, that at least, if I was just a couple sizes smaller, a whole world of clothes would open up to me. Just a size 12. Which is still considered "big and beautiful," which is the size of most "plus" size models.

Wait a minute, I thought plus sizes started at 16?

Oh yeah, that's the real world.

Because I have some control over my size, it allows the world, society, snotty teenage boys, the right to make fun of me. To discriminate against me. To expect me to work harder than a skinny little petite woman at appearing "presentable."


I don't have the energy for a rant. And the whole non-complaining thing is keeping me subdued as well. I should go walk the dog.


thailandchani said...

I can identify here. :) I am a "plus size" and I want more clothing choices than I currently have. Because I've adopted an unusual style, there are times when I have to get the clothes made (or make them myself) because they simply don't come in my size.

I'm with you on this.. and it is one of the key things that keeps me counting points. :)



Unknown said...

My mom is a big gurl. Big girl and I have dragged her kicking a screaming into stores and forced her at gun point to try things that I have learned on WNTW. TADA!!! It works baby. My mother wonders if its the gay gene in me with such mysterious powers for good. I tell her without hesitation ....yes :P LOL I love that show, they are bitches though But you've got two days to make a complete change. I guess they don't have time to be nice.
p.s. did you see there is going to be a behind the scenes show of those two???? OMG I'm soooo watching it.

GayProf said...

I have not seen the American version, but the British What Not to Wear always made really good changes. Sure the hosts were very critical, but they also offered real solutions. I never understood, though, the women who refused to take their advice.

I wish they did more men, though. I could use some help myself.

Snooze said...

I haven't seen the show! I think everyone should just stick to great fitting jeans.