Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thirteen Thursday # 9

Thirteen Habits of Mine:

1. I blow my nose very loudly. Crazy, old-man-with-a-hanky loudly. Just like my father. Sister told me recently that she doesn’t use Kleenex because she never blows her nose. She said she never wanted to sound like Dad or me, so she just sniffs.

2. I remove tags from clothes almost immediately. Tags on shirts drive me nuts. I’ve destroyed shirts by ripping out the tags, which have been fastened with some super-strength thread, just because I couldn’t take the time to find a pair of scissors.

3. I wash dishes in the morning, not at night. Right before I go to bed, I don’t want to get my hands all yucky in the food and drink and soap water. I do it when I get up, drink my coffee and take a shower.

4. I save gas receipts. No reason. I have a little pocket in the driver’s door, which has receipts dating back five or six years. Some are so faded I can’t even read them. Suppose I should throw them out.

5. I use all kinds of things to scratch my back. Pencils, rulers, closed scissors, a coat hanger. I have a wooden back scratcher thingee, but never know where it is. It kinda of cracks my students up when I’m in front of the class and stick a ruler down the back of my shirt to satisfy an itch. I’m unaware I’m doing it until they start laughing.

6. My dresser drawers and closet are VERY organized. Things are sorted by style and length. Sleeveless, then short sleeves (woven on one side, knit on the other) long sleeves, etc. Nothing is ever squished in anywhere. And, that’s my problem. If something doesn’t have a place, it doesn’t get put away, and that’s why most of my house is a mess.

7. I make faces in the mirror sometimes just to crack myself up.

8. After a shower I dry off, use face moisturizer, spray stuff into my hair, then body lotion. Always in that order.

9. Going out of the house without earrings or a watch makes me feel naked, but I often wear no make-up.

10. Diana Ross and the Supremes is usually what I play when I’m cleaning the house.

11. Clothes I buy will come home with me from the store and visit for a while. I leave the tags on them, look at them, try them on again, and sometimes months later, return them to the store. But no, I don’t wear something and then try to return it.

12. My name and the date I bought/started to read it is on the inside cover of most books I own. It must be a teacher thing (I put my name on all my classroom books), but the date? Don’t know when I started that.

13. Every time I see a penny on the ground, I pick it up for good luck. If I start to walk past it, I inevitably turn around to get it. I don’t really believe anything will happen, but then again… on the other hand, if I drop a penny, I always leave it for someone else to find.


Chunks said...

1. Your sister is probably a secret picker. Take solace in that.
6. I wish you lived closer. I have several closets that could use your help.
11. I have never been brave enough to return clothing. Ever. Even if it is something I've never worn. I have a habit of washing it the minute I get it home, then if I hate it, I'm screwed. Oh well.

The Gal Herself said...

I'm sooo with you on #5. I also shimmy up against doors when I'm alone. It's that spot equadistance between the shoulderblades, you know?

GayProf said...

Like Chunks, I would love to exploit -- or, er -- draw upon your closet skills.

I also collect pennies, but only if they are heads up. If they are tails up, I flip them over. When I was little, I was taught that heads-up pennies were good luck. If they are tails up, you get double luck: 1) luck for you if you flip it and 2) for the next person who finds it (who will have the heads up). If that makes sense...

Given how many books of mine have been borrowed and never returned, I got a stamp with my initials for the front page. It doesn't really get them returned, but at least people will feel guilty every time the open it. ;)

tornwordo said...

I do that same thing with pennies. I didn't know that about you. I was waiting for the bowel habits, but no, we got pre and post shower habits. I'm sure excrement happens somewhere in there lol.

Anonymous said...

13 makes me smile. It seems like being in community to pick up pennies and also leave them for others.

Rox's comment on 1 made me laugh. I'm a picker, not so secret.

7 is so charming.

Doug said...

I would love to browse through a used bookstore one day and find a book with your name in it.

Lucia said...

So that's why people take tags out of clothing. When I see clothes without tags at a thrift store, I envision someone not wanting the size that was there to be seen by anyone.

I always, always pick up pennies too. For about 6 months last year, I scribbled down every time I found a penny and where, just to see if it would provide interesting blog fodder.

JKL said...

It always grates on me when people say they ride their bikes 'cus they can't afford a car. It's like making an excuse for riding, when in fact, cycling is a superior mode of transport. Better for health, environment, expense, infrastructure, etc.
but nobody reads comments on a 6 year old blog post.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Aren't you grand? Some random person looking at a blog gone dark several years ago, and getting irritated that a person was so broke that she had to ride a bike instead of drive to two jobs. It always bothers me when a holier-than-thou type makes an asinine comment such as yours.