Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Is there a reason

why people are jumping all over Imus or Amus or Anus or whatever-the-hell-his-name-is about being racist and saying nothing about his sexism?

Nothing. I 'm hearing nothing.

He called the female basketball players, "Nappy-headed 'ho's." I'm not saying it wasn't racist but wait a god damn minute.

Has he given any reason he used that phrase other than "poor judgement?" Why would he say that? Why?

He was calling the whole team a bunch of prostitutes? Who does that? Okay, rappers, but they're jerks too.

I would love to see how men come to the conclusion that calling a woman a "'ho" is acceptable. Me, I don't even like the term "chicks" but 'ho?

Okay, if the woman is actually a "Lady of the night," then I suppose using the term, while rude, would be accurate.

I'm trying to think of a comparable term to call men, perhaps call a whole team of football players, but I can't. One doesn't exist.

Linguistically, or culturally, when did this word become a catch-all phrase? It's purpose is to demean. Why would this radio guy say it?

Scratching my head here people.


Anonymous said...

Exactly. In answer to your question, go read I Blame The Patriarchy. You can find a link to it on my blog.

tornwordo said...

It's amazing what men think it's acceptable to do/say.

Snooze said...

What upsets me is that a good portion of his listeners probably see nothing wrong with the comment.

St. Dickeybird said...

I don't even know what "nappy-headed" means...
I'm betting it was just poor judgement. And I don't think he deserves to be fired - i don't think he was advocating hate.
So he's just ignorant. Switch the channel...

GayProf said...

I think that the equivalent for men would be if he called them "fags." So, even the insults that do exist for men, uphold homophobia and straight-male privilege.

Revolution now!

Lucia said...

From the radio stories I've heard, he says stuff like this about every type of people you can think of every day. And I think that's why people listen to him in the first place.

Chunks said...

What I don't understand is the media attention to this when there is a war going on and kids are dying. American Media is Retarded.

Larry Birkhead is Anna Nicole Smith's baby's daddy? Was there any doubt?