Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thirteen Thursday # 7

Yeah yeah, I know, I've been remiss with this the last couple of weeks. I've been busy, okay?

Thirteen Things That Annoy Me
  • Ice cream that gets knocked off the cone because it wasn't placed there securely enough by the scooper person at Baskin Robbins. This always happens right after you've gotten the rocky road, never after several licks
  • Permanently embedded bluetooth headsets, especially when they aren't in use. What? They need to show the world they are important by wearing an earpiece like Uhuru on Startrek?
  • Olives. Nasty poisonous fruit soaked in brine. They can't keep to themselves either; they have to leave their foul-tasting residue on everything they've even slightly touched.
  • Those window stickers with Calvin peeing.
  • A snagged nail and no emery board.
  • Finding the most beautiful dress I've ever seen, in the size 16 section, for less than 25 bucks, and upon inspection, seeing that it's a size 10 that's been hidden in the large marge section.
  • No "thank you" when I hold the door for someone.
  • Cigarette smoke when I'm eating.
  • Parents who say, " I'm a single parent, I'm busy. I can't check junior's homework every night," even though junior is flunking three classes.
  • My aunt making jokes about how messy I am, even though she's only been in my house once in the last 13 years.
  • Spitting. Okay, spitting in public. No, hawking up a lung, then spitting in public.
  • The wailing infants and apparently motherless toddlers careening into me at Ross, or some other crowded store.
  • Stepping onto a wet floor in my socks.


St. Dickeybird said...

Yup, i'm with you on every one of those!

Even the smoking when you're eating one...

Lucia said...

Yunh-huh! I'm with you on these too. OK, not the one about your aunt.

I find it hard to believe St. D wears a size 16 dress. ;)

Snooze said...

I'm with you for most of these. Especially spitting and unsupervised toddlers running amok. However, although I don't like a dining companion to light up while I'm eating, I don't mind if the café is smokey. Not that that happens anymore in Toronto. I also LOVE olives. mmmmm - olives (and capers, and anchovies)

Doug said...

There are exceptions to every rule:

I'm usually against spitting, unless it's a big ugly nasty guy who hasn't showered or shaved or changed clothes in a month who spits his chew onto an unsupervised toddler's supposed caretaker and the toddler breaks out into gales of gleeful laughter.

GayProf said...

Those bluetooth things creep me out. First, when the people are talking on them I find it confusing as it always seems like they are talking to me (or imaginary people). When they are not in use it's like they are some type of cyborg.

I am surprised that SB doesn't have an ordinance about smoking in restaurants. Boston does not allow smoking in any public place (restaurants or bars).

St. Dickeybird said...

True, Lucia. Last time I bought one, I was an '8'. But i'm probably curvier than that now...

tornwordo said...

I didn't know the olives easily poisoned the flavor of other things. I have always felt that way about bell peppers. I love these lists.