What does this mean?
Yes, I've had it checked out, and there's nothing wrong, and nothing that can be done. Well, unless I take my mother's advice and douse my head in olive oil. No thank you.
So, I itch, and I'm sure some folk must think I have lice. Charming. Perhaps that's the reason I don't date?
On other Sunday morning news, I went out early to get started on my laundry (the washer and dryer are outside, behind the main house), and I was surprised by this little gift:
Did I tell you all that my friend D is home? Yahoo! His wife is doing great at both keeping up with all that he needs (including a feeding tube for the next 4-6 weeks, and the blog. I've linked it above if you're interested).
I know he still has a long way to go, but the really scary part is over now. I know it's because of all the positive thoughts sent his way. And I know some of you really helped. Thank you, and keep it up! He has to stay clear of infection right now. His chemo starts up again in about a month.
That's about all the Sunday news for now. I was trying to convince Torn of a Las Vegas trip, but with his trendy and hip stay in NY, that doesn't look likely until at least July now. Ah well. Save my money.
Isn't life great, with a view like that from the laundry?
I'd take Omega 3 Fatty acids and see if that helps your itchy head. Try a shampoo with Tea Tree Oil in it too.
Your machines are outside? Or just outside of the main house? Nice rainbow!
During the winter, my scalp really dries out (like all of my skin). This makes it very flaky and not at all attractive... Sigh.
That is a spectacular view.
Like Chunks said, you can try taking flax or salmon oil. However, don't knock the olive oil treatment. I rub coconut oil on my hair and sit with a plastic bag over my head for an hour or two. Just be sure to rub shampoo in before you try to rinse off the whole mess.
If none of the other suggestions work, you could try guacamole. It's really good with chips and salsa. It probably won't help your scalp, but it's really tasty!
(sorry, I'm in a wierd mood)
Re: your pic: I love it! I love the sun on the palm trees with the rainbow behind it.
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