Sunday, December 03, 2006


It's always about that, isn't it? The way we look at life, the way we judge people, the way we judge ourselves?

Last summer I was very angry with a friend of mine. I wrote about it here.

We've emailed once or twice since then, but not talked on the phone until tonight.

He's got cancer. Stage 4 cancer. In his throat.

He's only 44 years old. He's got three little kids, under the age of ten.

I almost don't know how to comprehend this. I mean, he's supposed to be around forever, just like all of us. What he must be feeling right now -- what he must be going through, I can't even imagine.

And yet again, there's nothing I can do. Okay, not nothing, I can think the strength thoughts, pray, chant, send good vibes, or whatever it is you are comfortable calling it... but I can't take any of the pain or worry or fear away. I can't take a little tablespoon of the cancer away, and ask everyone to do the same; I mean, a tablespoon of cancer can usually be dealt with. Not this thing.

He starts chemo next week and will be on it for 35 days. If his body responds to it, he'll be a candidate for surgery in late January or in February.

Please, I know you don't know him. I do. Think a positive thought for my friend David.


Doug said...

Plenty of positive thoughts headin' his way. And your way, too. Amazing how powerless we can feel.

tornwordo said...

That's terrible. I'm sending good thoughts.

GayProf said...

I will send my positive thoughts as well. Cancer is always a terrible thing, but it seems even more awful when somebody is so young.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought I could get through one day this week without shedding a tear, but it looks like today won't be that day. I will say a prayer or two for your friend (and his family!) The only thing you CAN do, that is within your immediate power is to make amends with him and be there for him in his life. If we all treated everyone in our lives like it was their last day, the world would be a better place.

I hate cancer.