Friday, November 10, 2006

A day to myself... sortof

Yesterday the Kwanis Club honored the guys that went after the guy that attacked my sister. It was a big affair, and Sister wanted my mother and me to be there. The District Attorney of Los Angeles would be there, and other mucky-mucks. So, took the day off from work, after staying late Wednesday to create lesson plans for the sub, and left about 8:30 am to drive to Chatsworth.

We were in the car six minutes before my mother started complaining about work. Yeah, I timed it. I know this is what's going to happen whenever we are in a car for a while, heck, whenever I'm with my mother for a while. She complains. About her co-workers, her clients, the SUV that was riding her tail on the drive home, her demanding landlady/friend, the handyman, the grocery store clerk... there's always something.

I've been told myself that I complain too much, and it's a fear of mine that I'm just like Mom. I love her, but I wish she was happier. I do believe in the power of intention and focus. If one focuses on the bad things, that's all one will see, and you know... focus on the good stuff and...

So, I was trying to just zone out and let her be, not get too upset and uptight -- I thought about how I'll be on a plane next Friday, winging my way out to see my friend in NYC and then the other friend in Albany-- I thought about how I won't have to worry about making three pies and balancing them with a bottle of wine to get to my mother's house at 11:30 am on Thanksgiving morning, because she likes to eat early (and it seems to be getting earlier every year). I thought about how I've only missed four Thanksgivings with my family in my life. The three I spent in Japan, and one terrible one when I was 16 and hated everything.

There was a Thanksgiving, I think it was when I was 27, that I stormed out of my mother's apartment in tears. My brother and I were having an argument about something; he was probably trying to dissasuade me from being a teacher, and gosh, I can't even remember most of it now. I remember thinking Mom and Sister were ganging up with him on me, and repeating to myself on the drive home, "I can't be wrong about this, I can't be wrong..."

Oh yeah, it was a real important argument, I'm sure, since I can't even remember what exactly it was about.

Anyway. I love my mother, and I love my brother and sister. I'm glad I have the kind of family that I can count on, and I'm the kind of person my family can count on. My sister and I are getting along very well ever since she got attacked. It's kinda like we know what's important now.


I am thrilled, that for one week, I don't have to worry about anything else but being a gracious houseguest.


Doug said...

Oh. My. God. Are we related? You mom and my mom might be the same person.

I don't talk to my mom much anymore. She does exactly what you just described, except she doesn't wait 6 minutes. I saw her yesterday for about that long. It was all I could take.

I suppose my point is: I feel your pain. Stay focused on the positive. You are not your mother.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! You go out there and be the best damn gracious houseguest you can be!!

Mothers. Don't even get me started! :o)