Wednesday, October 11, 2006

5 hours of sleep last night

and it will be the same tonight. Every day there's a damn meeting and phone calls to parents and another meeting and could I give up my lunch to work with some kid who didn't listen to me the first time I gave directions?

Then it's off to walk the wonder dog, and see what I can get done on that Fulbright application.

I'm half-finished. The ideas in my head are fabulous, but what's on the page is shite (I thought I'd practice saying it the way they do in the UK).

I have another meeting to go to now. And another one tomorrow from 4-7pm. Oh, that one's after the parent meeting at 2:45... oh yeah, and the hour one before school in which I'm the "expert" showing how the new testing program we're using works.



Doug said...


tornwordo said...

Me too, sigh. Work, all day, show apartments all evening. Forgot to eat dinner yesterday. Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

I hope things slow down for you soon.

GayProf said...

Sorry about the meetings -- Winter holiday isn't that far away, right?