Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sorry about the missing picture

I don't know what the deal was. I would post it, see it, click away and come back, and the picture was gone. Weird. It was one I got in an email, and it was a jpeg, so it should have worked fine.

These new, high falutin' techno gadgety thingamagigs...

I'm driving mom to the Goleta train station tomorrow. Every time we speak I end up picking her up ten minutes earlier. As of a few minutes ago, I'm picking her up at 6:10, so she can be at the train station at 6:20, for the train that leaves at 6:50. Yeah, a half hour early so we can sit at the depot. The depot which consists of eight parking spaces and three benches. No office, no ticket window, it's basically a glorified bus stop.

"The ticket says to get there 30 minutes early!" she cried when I questioned the need for such an early arrival.

She's going to my sister's, in Chatsworth, to help her out the next couple of days. She's having a "procedure" done, and needs a hand. I would be the one normally to do this, but because school just started, and it's Labor Day weekend, my principal would probably have kittens if I asked for Thursday and Friday off. Actually, I don't know why, but Mom's going down there a whole day early. I thought it best not to pester her with my ceaseless wonderings.

Allergies have set in with a vengeance. It's either something this time of year, or I'm allergic to school. Seriously. I think there must be mold in the room. I went all summer pretty well, and then last week -poof!- sneezing and sniffling. So charming to be around.

No deep thoughts tonight. Just thankful for another day.


tornwordo said...

She's so wacky. Sorry bout the allergies, you seem to have a good attitude anyway. Have a good day.

GayProf said...

No coffee shop? Or even a coffee machine? Why bother having a train station at all?