Monday, August 28, 2006

I promise

The school posts will disappear soon; I know it can get very dull for you non-teachers out there.

So, I was a charming member of the English department, and bought cards for the other 8 members. Those cute cards with quotes and photos, usually retro, or of animals. One had a surprised looking cat, and it's quote was "If cats could talk, they wouldn't."

Stuff like that.

I wrote little "good luck" and "have a great first day" kind of comments. I'm trying to be the person I wish other people were for me. Not that they aren't that for me. That's not what I mean. Well, maybe it's sorta what I mean.

This year is my proactive year. That's what I mean. Do unto others and all that, instead of complain about what's missing. We'll see how well I do.

My throat hurts from talking all day.

Already have a few little boogers I'm going to have to watch out for. Like the one who ripped the reading log (required of every student in the school) out of his agenda before school even started today because he "didn't think he needed it."

Wonder who his English teacher was last year?

I'm going to have to go to bed and rest my voice. Maybe this is how Mariah feels when she won't talk to anyone for the day before a concert? Or was that Celine? Or Madonna/Madge? Well, some singer who makes buckets of money.

In other news, I unclogged my kitchen sink drain and shined the sink. Oh, and I got up before the sun today to walk the wonder dog. That was nice. Charlie discovered the wonderful world of rabbits. He didn't catch any, but hope sprang eternal in his little dog heart. I just spilled my coffee.



tornwordo said...

That sounds like a nice idea, with the good luck cards and such. Very magnanimous of you!

GayProf said...

Gee, I wish that I had a colleague who gave little cards like that. Or I wish that I was the colleague who gave little cards like that.

Good show!