Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lazy Book Meme for which I wasn't tagged but am completing anyway

1. One book you have read more than once: East of Eden. Favorite book ever. It's got drama, family dynamics, good and evil, biblical symbolism... and it's a darn good story.

2. One book you would want on a desert island: Golly, this is tough. Shakespeare's complete works. Does that come in one volume? Just found it on Amazon, so I guess it does.

3. One book that made you laugh: Operating Instructions by Anne Lammott. Although I'm not a mother, nor expecting to be, the honesty in this made me love Ms. Lammott even more than I already did.

4. One book that made you cry: To Kill a Mockingbird. I was in sixth grade, and remember clearly finishing the book and sobbing. I went out to the living room where my mother was sittin on the green couch. "Why are people so mean?" I asked in that way that only 12-year-olds can ask.

5. One book you wish you had written: This is silly, but Bridget Jone's Diary. It was the first "chick-lit" book I ever read, and it seemed to be specifically about my life.

6. One book you wish had never been written: Billy Budd. Total and absolute waste of paper in my opinion.

7. One book you are currently reading: Only one? I'm always in the middle of three or four. Right now I'm reading Marley and Me, and Honeymoon With My Brother.

8. One book you have been meaning to read: A Home at the End of the World. Torn said he really liked it, and I won't watch the film until I've read the book.

9. One Book That Changed Your Life: Illusions by Richard Bach. I know, it's a hokey book from the late 70's, early 80's, but it really made me think. I still have the same drink-ring-stained copy from high school. I still read it occasionally. It gives me hope.

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

But how is your trip so far!!!! And I loved Illusions too and Jonathan Livingston Seagull.