Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I know there's no sympathy out there

but it's hard going back to work after a great summer.

I think it's why I've been getting the headaches and all. I've been back for two days already, but the administration sees fit to fill up all the teacher work days with "team building" and what not.

When I went to my classroom yesterday, everything was all jumbled around; the custodians come in and clean, but putting things back where they started isn't in the job description, I guess.

I was dragging bookcases and file cabinets around the room when I realized something; three tables, a computer and its monitor were all missing.

What the hell? Of course, I discovered this when almost everyone was gone for the day. We were all together of course earlier, but I hadn't been in my room. God.

So, we figured out that the custodians were farther off than usual this summer in replacing the furniture. Seems it ended up next door, in Paula Patterson's room. The most interesting thing was that when she told me, she also added, "you can take two of the tables, I need one of them."


And of course, when I went to get my stuff, she was no longer at school, so I had to go back up to the office, get an extra key, and then haul it all back to my room. Great use of my time, don't you think? The custodian? He's on vacation this week. Uh huh. No joke.

So I get two of the three tables, and the computer and all... but I have a problem. One, I don't know which of the other several tables is mine, and two, Paula's put all her stuff on the aforementioned tables.

Dang it.

I will most likely go and get another table from the storage area on Friday. I'm not a wimp, but I simply don't want to get into it with her. I don't want to have any kind of discussion about it. I just want my room ready for the kidlets when they show on Monday.

Tomorrow, in the school board's infinite wisdom, we have an all teacher, district-wide in-service. A math teacher from somewhere, who has achieved something or won some award is presenting I don't know what.

I do know that another precious day is going to be spent on my butt in a chair designed for a tween, instead of getting ready for the onslaught to come.



Chunks said...

Are you kidding me?

As someone who has volunteered in the school system for eleven years, I have to say that being a teacher is THE hardest job in the world. The time spent preparing and marking and doing all the extra things that teachers do is mind boggling. If I was a teacher, I would need eight months off in a year, for my mental health. I have admiration for someone who can be in a classroom with thirty or so kids, kids they can't smack, and comes out of it with their sanity intact.

Your profession is admirable, there will always be sympathy from me!!

I hope you find all your furniture before the kidlets get there. (Oh and that is another bonus point for you. I love it when people call kids kidlets!)

tornwordo said...

Good luck maam.

GayProf said...

That’s some pretty darn thorough cleaning going on in that school if they need to relocate all the furniture. You need to hook them up with a Swifter. I am just saying.