Saturday, February 11, 2006

So sorry for the absence. I've been gone the past two weekends, got a gnarly cold that had me in bed by 8:30 the last few days, and I've just not had the energy to log on.

I have three netflix movies sitting on top of the DVD player, one since December. The thought of two full hours of free time has been impossible.

Our plans for Paris in the Spring are going well, and the apartment (finally) has been secured. We'll be staying in the 6th arroindismont, near the Latin Quarter, and the Luxembourg gardens. I'm taking a French class Thursday nights, which is adding to my time problems, but I think it will be good to at least be able to say "I'm sorry, I don't speak French" in the language of that country. Katrina speaks it pretty well, so I'm not too worried.

I'm having quite a difficult time at school right now, not with students but the parents of a particular student who are making my life hell. Can't write about it though, sorry. Just let me say that stuffing your words down your throat almost every day isn't good for your physical or mental health.

My sister is doing okay, but it's still hard. She and my mom went to Las Vegas this weekend (gosh, I wish I could have gone!) on the trip they planned months ago. I hope she enjoys herself; once the baby's here, I don't think she'll be going to that city for a while.

There's so much to write about right now... my mother's surgery that I never finished describing, my new forays into crocheting (inspired by torn and em), and all the other silly little bits of my life.

Oh, I'm down 33.2 pounds now. Yesterday it became official; not one of my old pairs of pants fit. I have a pair of jeans and two pairs of dress pants that I've bought in the last month, and that's it. It's a great feeling, but I need more clothes!

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

Throw away the old clothes, you'll never need them again right? Congrats on the lost weight, and I look forward to more frequent updates (hint hint).