Monday, February 20, 2006

Back to school, sort of...

Well, it's over. At least the physical part. Friday night was the worst, but my sister came home (well, to my mom's home) Saturday. She's sad, but I think she's going to be strong and get through this.

Dad and his wife are driving to her house next weekend, and she asked me to be there too. ''I don't want to be alone with them for a whole weekend'' she said to me. I had to call him too, and tell him that she had lost the baby. And I hadn't actually spoken to him since all that shit two years ago. Yes, we emailed a few times, but hadn't actually spoken. On the good side of things, he was very concerned and very sweet with her. So yes, I'll go up there next weekend, and lose more of my time. I know, it's important, and I'm glad to do it, but I'm so far behind now I don't know how I'll catch up.

I got an email from a mother today who was polite, but very upset with me. See, her daughter is applying to five different private schools, and she had asked me to write letters of recommendation for her. I mailed off one, and then missed the other four deadlines. Shit. When I do something as lame as that, I just feel like a failure. I had time, but I put it off. What's really funny, is that this girl wrote an essay last year about how gay people should be allowed to marry. Her reasoning was that Christians were the ones getting upset about it, and since most gay people were Jewish, they should be allowed to marry. When her teacher asked her where she got such an idea, she answered ''The Internet!''

Everytime I look at her, I think of that story, and just giggle.

I have to get those letters written tomorrow. I have a meeting with the principal on Wednesday, and I don't know how I'm going to get my act together this week.

Better get started planning.


chella said...

glad your sister's on the road to healing! the weekend with dad and his wife will be hard! hang in there! you're a great teacher. don't worry. hey, check out my rant. thinking of you, c

tornwordo said...

Hey that's good news. I'm glad she's on the road to recovery. I haven't had time to talk (ridiculous schedule this week) but i've been thinking about you. Soon, we shall talk.

chella said...

thanks for commenting in my rant. loved your im lingo. well, the magnet for 25 was thrilling. the black pants i intended to wear today fell off. good news. ttys, c