Sunday, January 08, 2006

Wine Tasting in the Valley

"It's a mis-cheeee-vious little wine... it needs to be spanked."

(You will either get the above reference or not. Don't think too hard about it.)

Yesterday was a fun day. Katrina and I went wine tasting in the afternoon after an hour long walk with the doggies. Weather was perfect, it wasn't too crowded, and the wine was, well, wine.

I worked at Beckmen Winery and Tasting room for four years. Actually, I'm still "on-call" but no one has called me for over a year and a half. I have no idea what happened, or why, after all that time, I was bumped, but I have my suspicions.

It still bothers me a bit, this not knowing why I was shut out. I was a loyal and good employee, always was on time, never asked for a raise from the $8 an hour at which I started. I got a 50% discount on great wine, and that was enough for me.

Anyway, no time to go into great details about how I was wronged. They hired a jerk, and the next thing you know, friends and relatives are working and I'm out in the cold. I like both Mr. Beckmen's, don't misunderstand me, but I don't think they had a clue what kind of nonsense was going on in the tasting room.

Eh. Got another walk to get to right now. Then it's work, work, work. Only two weeks until the end of the semester!


chella said...

don't you look cute!! a wine tasting! how fun! ttys. love, c

tornwordo said...

Look how skinny you are! And beautiful! Sounds like fun, wish I could have gone too.