Monday, January 02, 2006

The last day of freedom

So, I had a great time Saturday night. Took me forever to find something to wear. Met up with everyone around 10:30. Couples, couples everywhere, as far as the eye could see. It was okay though, because we were all just into having fun. The band was too darn loud, and I thought the lead singer was a woman until he said something about trying to find a date (I couldn't see him for the crowds, but when I did, he looked like a guy... just sang like Shakira).

After midnight, my other single girlfriend started chatting up some guy; his friend decided to talk to me. Nick was his name. How pleasant to have male attention, even it it was lubricated quite a bit by too many beers. He was somewhat of a dork, but I guess I am too. His not-so-smart comment came when he was talking about not going out too much anymore.

"I'm 32 now so I don't need to go out and get wasted every night. Although, it's not like I'm 42 or an old man or anything."

Huh. I didn't mention that I'm 41. Guess guys are self-conscious about their ages too. This guy was balding, so I suppose he wanted to make sure that I didn't think he was older than he was. He just didn't realize that I was older than I look.

And you guys? Most women don't care too much about the balding/receding hairline thing. That seems to be more of your worry. I'm not saying all women are deep and don't care about looks at all, but from what I know, hair isn't too much of an issue. Not as much as some other things.

What other things, do you ask? Well, scent. Scent is a biggie with me and most females. Clean is best. Axxe is the worst. Or any cologne that's so strong it takes the curl out of my hair, or brings on an asthma attack. I actually like cologne, but only when I can smell it when I'm hugging you. Any stronger and it's not right. If you smoke, and you shouldn't, be very careful. Your clothes tend to reek. The only thing worse than cigarette smoke is stale cigarette smoke. I have friends who are careful about this, and then I know some folks who aren't. Big fat turn- off.

As long as I'm being petty and shallow right now, I'll go into clothes choices. Wear clothes that fit please. Wear clean, unstained, and unripped clothes. Make sure all your buttons are there. You might have been a size 32 in high school, but that doesn't mean you still are. If your jacket rides up over your belly, it's time to go shopping.

My favorite outfit on a guy? A white untucked button-down shirt with well fitting jeans. Simple, unfussy, and reasonably comfortable, right? I'm not a fashionista, so I don't expect high style from anyone else.

Anyway, back to this Nick dude. He was trying so hard to hook up with someone, but not having any luck. Meanwhile, Donald, the friend of Michelle from last summer, showed up. He sortof, kindof asked me on a date a while ago, and then nothing. Well, he all of a sudden seemed quite interested in talking to me now that I was sitting with Nick. Of course, it was New Year's Eve, and after midnight, so he probably was tanked as well.

Hey guys, here's a question for you. How come you aren't interested in me, couldn't give me the time of day, unless someone else, anyone else is interested? So weird.

So, Nick gives me his number (I still haven't decided if I will call), and Donald gives me a big Happy New Year's kiss goodnight.

Not a bad way to start the year.


chella said...

great story and i love the fashion preferences. scent is huge. i have a friend who smells good for a brief moment after bathing and then, swoosh, the smell is back. his clothes? the food he eats? the things he thinks about? don't know but scent is very important.

tornwordo said...
