Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dry dry dry

Little flakes of nose skin hanging off my nostrils... my back and waist where my pants hit, chaffed and red, cracked heels laughing at the lotion I apply... this is my body right now.

After posting yesterday, I looked in the mirror, and noticed that I had somehow scratched my nose. Right at the tip, a clean, slanted line. I did this somehow in my sleep. I don't have long fingernails, so it must've been my ring, but how is a mystery.

I was going to post a picture of it, even asked Tornwordo if he thought I should, but I have a bit of vanity left. My students were staring at it yesterday, asking how it happened (because they are so tactful), and even one of the teachers mentioned it. Like by 3:00 yesterday I wouldn't have figured out there's a big red line across my nose.

On other news, I weighed in yesterday and lost another 5 pounds. Brings the total up to 14.2 lbs. Yahoo. I do think there's some kind of lag time though. Last week, I was very careful, exercised and all, and gained a pound. This week, I fell off the wagon up at the lake, and didn't get out as much as I would've liked to walk or hike. Yet I lost so much this week.

Next week will be the test. I'll keep you posted.

I bought a pair of pants yesterday, and they're slightly on the large side... might be ready to go down another size before too long. I dream of the day I can buy clothes again in the regular size area. The day I'm not regulated to the third floor, behind housewares and bedding. the day I don't have to plow through 25 tunics to find a shirt that doesn't end mid-thigh. A day when elastic-waisted pants don't mock me. A day when I can try on, dare I say it, a sexy black top, rather than one with appliqued pumpkins and witches on it.

Gosh, I hope that day gets here soon.


pushthebutton,max! said...

Hi! Hey, thanks for checking in on me after all that time.

Congratulations on your weight loss! Mia is a WW leader, so I'm sending conga rats from her too.

Keep it up!

tornwordo said...

yay! slow and steady wins the race.