Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Santa Ana Winds

I used to love them as a kid. Now, they scare me a little. Our fire danger is unbelievably high right now, and I live at the base of the mountains. If there's a fire, my street is one of the first evacuated.

My allergies have also gone into overdrive. The wind picks up every dried up and floating thing from the other side of the mountains, and carries everything over here. Sneezing, runny nose (which is now cracked and sore on the sides from blowing it so often), itchy eyes with no make-up because it would just be rubbed off.

Such a pretty girl. I take Claritin which doesn't work too well, and dream of taking Benydryl. But see, although Benydryl does the job, it also makes me a zombie. Which in and of itself isn't so bad except I have to teach 131 kids today.

I have to go water my plants.


tornwordo said...

Sounds like a sucky morning. I'm wishing you some June gloom now.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Take it easy

Liked the photos sweet duckies ;-)

formerly goldiemowling who has now stopped changing her name ;-)

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Take it easy

Liked the photos sweet duckies ;-)

formerly goldiemowling who has now stopped changing her name ;-)