Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Runny nose, itchy skin

My nose has been running and dripping for the last few days. Fall must be on its way. I have horrible allergies, but they act up the most during the dry, fly around in the air time. Spring isn't so bad.

I take Claritin, but it really doesn't help all that much. There's some nasal spray thing that I have been prescribed, but it's so gross to use. I guess it's my own fault.

Charlie's been itching like crazy the last few days too. He's got his own doggie antihistamine, and when it gets really bad, I give him benydryl too (his vet told me too. Don't worry, I'm not medicating my dog on my own).

The gardeners are coming today, and I remembered to shut my windows, so a fine (or not so fine) layer of grit doesn't meet me when I get home, after they use the $%^#!! leafblowers on the driveway.

I have my house, and my dog, and my antihistamines. I have a good job, and nice clothes. I'm going to have different television stations to watch. I have a car that works, and a mom I love that lives in town.

Things are good.

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

Yay, things are good. Well, except the allergy stuff, but hey, you're used to it!