Monday, September 12, 2005

Post 100


Blogging has broken my writer's block. I'm not writing every day, but that's okay; I'm not one for strict rules. At least, not that I set for myself anyway.

I raced home at lunch today (only get 33 minutes) to put Charlie dog in the bedroom. Usually he's not allowed in there at all when I'm gone, but today was the day the satellite TV guys were coming to install our new system. I was thrilled. I've been without most channels for a year and a half now, and although most of the time I don't miss it, there are times, like tonight, when it would be a welcome addition to my nightlife.

Anyway, Charlie gets all freaked out when strangers come in, and he has tried to bite my landlady twice (what do you think she must smell like for him, the half-chicken dog, to try and bite her?), so I put him in the bedroom. I was coming home at 3:30 today, so it wasn't so bad. Besides, he loves to jump up on the bed.

But, I get home at 3:30, and no satellite dish. My landlady called me and said that there was a mixup, and they'll be here on Thursday instead. Sometime between one and five o' clock. So, bedroom banishment again for the wee little doggie. Except that Thursday is also back-to-school night. A hideous evening of 15-minute classes with the oh-so-involved parents of my students. It starts at 7pm, and I am basically non-stop talking until it's over.
"But Becky, you like talking."
Not like this, I don't. I have no problem standing in front of 35 junior high school students. I've done Kareoke many many times. I've even gone to open-mike night and read my poetry into a microphone.

But parents?

It's just exhausting. Last year was the best when a man brought not one, not two, but three pet lizards with him. Really. And, he was wearing a neck brace.

Someone didn't get enough attention when he was a child.

Anyway, I also have an 8am meeting that day with the principal, an English department meeting from 8:15 to 9:15am (it's late start Thursday), a full day of classes, my afterschool tutoring group, and then a meeting at the high school at 3:30 for our increased insurance costs ($171 more a month out of my paycheck than last year. Did I tell you I don't get any kind of raise this year? And I won't get another raise, except Cost-of-living, if the f%$#ing school board deigns to pass it on to us, until 2010. Isn't that charming?), I have to be back at school at 6:30 at the latest, but... really I need to be there sooner unless I want to park in Oregon.

When am I going to put Charlie in the bedroom? When am I going to be able to let him out?

Oh yeah, I have to dress up really nice and professional-like for this.

I can't wait.

On a happier note, I took Charlie for a walk today at the off-leash park near the beach, and when I came around a turn, I heard fluttery wind chimes. Someone had hung a tiny little one from the branches of an old Cypress tree that sits out on a ledge overlooking the sea. It made me smile.

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

Yeah, I really liked it too, but the line about parking in Oregon was the "crack me up" line. Hope you make it through!