You can't tell at all, but this is a picture taken of the gorgeous harvest full moon. It was a sepia-toned brown, and looked like it wanted to fill the sky.
I'm sorry it's not as wonderful here. This is the best out of 11 pictures I took, messing with all the settings, trying to get a good one. What can you expect from a starter camera?
I went to a party tonight at Julie and Woody's. They bought a great ranch house up in the hills, and this was their house warming party. It was catered, a pretty well-known local band played, and there were lots of people there. I've been looking forward to it for a couple of weeks.
I just didn't have that great of a time. I don't really know why. I chatted with several folks, caught up, laughed a little bit, ate great Mexican food that was cooked in front of me (oh gosh, the best pork tacos I've ever had in my life) had a couple of margaritas...yet I was, dare I say it? Kind of bored. Maybe I'm getting old, maybe I'm getting cantankerous in my old age.
(now I'm fucking annoyed. Once again, Blogger has eaten part of my post. I even thought I was being smart, copying part of it to Word. But, not the 4 paragraphs I wrote after this. God Damn it to Hell. I don't have Word 2000, so I can't load that new blogger tool bar thingie so this won't happen again. And "Recover post"? that's just bullshit window dressing. It didn't recover shit.)
So, being the proactive woman I am, I asked myself, Becky, what would have made this party less dull for you?
Well, for one thing, some conversation. All niceties and small talk. Where So and So bought her daughter's back to school shoes, and how the USS Reagan (a MASSIVE warship) is docked off our shore, so lots of sailors are in town getting drunk this weekend just don't interest me. No conversation about what that big boat was created for, or any comments about the two nuclear reactors that power the ship, and will for the next 20 years.
Have I become unable to just have fun? I don't think so. None of my really good friends were there, and I had to edit myself; you know, when you want to point out or say something funny, but you aren't sure how the others will take it, so you clam up?
Everyone there was nice, pleasant. Maybe that was it. I am somewhat stumped.
And now I'm tired. I had two margaritas and a glass of red wine, and we're going out tomorrow on Ralph's boat to see the "vessel of destruction" as I like to call it. We have to keep at least 500 feet away at all times, but maybe tomorrow I can make snide remarks. In any case, going out on the water is always fun. Maybe we'll see dolphins.
Dolphins never bore me.
We went to a wedding. It was also catered. It was fun to see the boys in the "blender". It's cloudy and rainy, we didn't see the moon. Sleep tight!
ugh...you were bored because superficial shit talk just doesn't do it for you or me or any of our close friends. what can i say? we're not folks easily lied to. on another note, i was intrigued by your comment:"that new blogger tool bar thingie." sounds like a device i will be asking you more about...hang in, enjoy the water... from albuquerque, c
very cool...wednesday nights...ttyl
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