Go now. Go and see Mad Hot Ballroom as fast as you can. Oh my goodness.
I couldn't take the heat in my house. I hosed Charlie down, left the fan on high, and went to the sweet coolness of the movie theatre. I've wanted to see this movie for a while, but every time I wait to see a movie with one of my friends, it's usually gone before we can get our act together to see it.
I snuck in an ice cold diet pepsi, and paid three dollars for a box of Dots. I love those things. Like gumdrops without the granulated sugar. I feel a bit sick from eating too many though, but that's okay. Live a little I say.
I love going to movies, and don't mind going alone. No worrying about waiting around, anyone being late, someone who has to sit on the aisle... by myself, I just go, and watch. No one talking to me or climbing over me to go pee. I get popcorn, I don't have to keep offering it to the person sitting next to me.
Don't get my wrong, it's fun to go with a friend too, but it's the one thing I can do alone completely without self-consciousness.
I digress.
Go see this movie. It's great. I cried while laughing at the same time. Several times. These kids are wonderful. Almost teenagers, but not quite. Charming and still young. Most are sixth graders I think.
Oh, and Charlie survived while I was gone. Now that the sun has gone down, it's a bit better.
1 comment:
this is a movie i want to see. so, now, when must have dog comes we go! btw, i need directions...for monday. c
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