Sunday, July 08, 2007

So, I get home and don't post?

Torn and I talked about lots of things on our Vegas jaunt (and yes Roxanne, poop was one of the items discussed), but one that did come up often was blogging.

Torn is much more disciplined than I; he writes almost every day. In turn, his blog is far more widely read than mine. He has a niche as well; he's on the list of "Best Gay Blogs." He also reads and comments on many other people's blogs, while I have only a few that I visit regularly.

He has stalkers too. So far, none that he knows of in real life, but lurkers on the blog. Anonymous posters who write weird or mean comments. Not too often, but enough. Even my friends in real life rarely, if ever read my blog.

We talked about those whose lives have been messed up simply because they voiced their opinions in writing. People who lost their jobs, lost custody of children, lost friends. There are so many ill-spirited people out there; people who don't feel good about themselves unless they are hurting others. Blogs can be fodder for these people if care isn't taken.

Torn has met quite a few fellow bloggers, I haven't. Mostly because so many of you all are in Canada, and I go there about once every 4 years. I don't know though. Is it like on-line dating? All awkward and so? Hmm...

Sometimes, it feels like a job to some of you. I've never felt that way, simply because I don't feel obligated to write. I know that if I'm gone for a while, some of the folks that read my blog will be gone when I return. Yes, I like the comments; some days I live for the comments. But still. I always have something to say. I talk too much. My friend last night (with whom I had delicious blue cheese hamburgers with Chipotle Garlic Fries) said I talked more than anyone she knew.

I know that.

What she didn't know, which I told her last night, was that whenever I go out, whenever I'm going to be with friends, I give myself a pep talk beforehand that goes something like this, "Shut up, shut up, shut up. Don't talk tonight. You are just going to be quiet for once. Shut up, shut up, shut up."

And then I get to where ever it is I'm going, and monopolize the conversation.

The thing is, for me? The blog lets me do that, monopolize the conversation. I don't feel bad about it afterwards, no one tells me that I'm not letting them get in a word edgewise, and if someone doesn't like what I say, they don't read it. All good.

I've always kept a journal or diary, starting with the mustard yellow little book with a lock in second grade. This is an extension of that. The difference is that I have made friends, through it, through my words. Since my thoughts and ideas are what I want to be noticed, it's never felt like work to me.

So thanks for reading, and thanks for commenting.

(I promise I'll write about pooping in Vegas next.)


Devo said...

Poop, poop, wonderful poop. We hate it, we love it, sometimes we're so proud of it. I love to write little songs about poop that I sing to my kids to make them laugh. Fun is what it is. heehee. Loved your entry by the way. :)

Chunks said...

WOW! You need to stop telling yourself to hold back because people love you the way you are! Tell yourself instead that you are stellar and who frigging cares if you talk alot?!

I bet I could out-talk you! (Ask Devo)

Devo and I had a big talk last night about blogging too. We both wished that we were there with you and Torn and Em, all chatting it up. Of course, the talk would turn to poo because I would have it running down my leg, but it would still be cool to meet y'all! :)

GayProf said...

The amount of time I talk is in reverse proportion to the number of people at a gathering. The bigger the group, the more quiet I become. Oddly enough, I don't think of myself as shy.

I like reading your blog, so I imagine I would like hearing you talk.

Anonymous said...

I stalk both you and Torno, but I feel like I know a little bit about you both. Enough for a good chat with some coffee. Not really speed dating, but a visit with an imaginary friend.

QT said...

I am a mega-talker too. Especially once you add alcohol. I am also pretty sarcastic, which I have found is not appreciated in the Midwest too much.

I only blog when I feel like it, too. Otherwise it would not be fun and I would like to retain an element of fun to this whole thing.

Welcome back!

CoffeeDog said...

Mrs Coffeedog is a talker too. Sometimes I want to remind her to stifle it when we are with friends, I can sometimes see the grimace on their faces, wishing she'd let them get a word in. I have tried to discuss this with her gently, with some success. She says she talks out of nervousness, hates awkward silences. We have a signal, when I see she's talking too much I go over and rub her shoulder.

On the other hand, I am not too much of a talker. I am not a stone in conversations, but sometimes it takes a bit to draw me out.

Keep talking and blogging, I enjoy your voice.