Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dance class, part II

Well, I wiffled and waffled all weekend. Should I go again? Make a fool of myself? It's good to put myself in the position of student instead of teacher once in while, right?

So Doreen called me yesterday afternoon (she happened to be at the last class; she works with me at school), and got me to commit to going.

I am so glad I did.

This time, I only had one beer beforehand, and we went over the dance (I think it was the Samba, but damned if I know) we learned last week. Nothing new, just review. Which meant I was a teensy bit better than last week. Not that that's saying too much, a comatose monkey could probably do better than I did last week, but still.

And here's the fun part.

I danced with a cute man! A cute, red-headed man (my weakness)! A cute, red-headed man who looked directly at me and smiled at me for most of an hour!

Oh the thrill of it all.

His name was unusual; I'll just call him Mark. He started the class last week too (some people take this class over and over before going on to the next one), but was more confident than I was.

As you all know, it's been quite a while since I've been near an attractive man... sorry, an attractive, hetero man; I didn't quite know what to do with myself. I talk and laugh a lot when I'm nervous, which I did, because I was. Then I blush, which is sweet in a 16-year-old, but not so much in a 42-year-old. Then I start "glowing." You know, horses sweat, men perspire, women glow? Yep, I was glowing alright.

My friends, he was sweet, and charming, and did I say cute? I did? He was. Tall, slender, toned but not pumped-out arms, freckles, and those light amber eyes that only redheads seem to have.

And he would look right at me and smile.

Now, I know we were dancing, and that was the cause for being so close to each other... but I sure didn't feel like this dancing with too-much-cologne man last week.

I told him I wouldn't be in class next week, and he seemed... could it be... curious as to if I was coming back after that. I said I was going to Vegas, but would be back the week after...

Girls and boys, rebekah has a crush.


Devo said...

Well I feel all giddy and happy inside about this. Even if it comes to nothing other than a friendship, I think this is just so fun and great!!! I'm so glad you went back-teehee.

GayProf said...

Oooh -- He sounds cute! As I aged, I thought that I would out grow having crushes. It turns out, they are one of the best things in life.

Snooze said...

I'm so glad you went back.

tornwordo said...

Oooh, sounds exciting. I'm sure I'll hear all about it on the drive to Vegas.

St. Dickeybird said...

Next time ask him out! Nothing's hotter than a woman that makes the first move.

Doug said...

Yay! I'm feeling the excitement! Did you get his number?

QT said...

That is so, so cool that karma rewarded you for going back!

Chunks said...