Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lazy posts

We all have them. You know, you want to write something, but you can't come up with scintillating observations -- so you complete a meme, or post an on-line quiz, or song lyrics or soemthing along those lines?

And then, you know how some days it seems there are more people commenting than others? Comments that are more than two or three words? I've been thinking about yesterday's comments and voila! A post for today.

Doug said...
I'm pretty sure you're not as vanilla as you think.

Okay, perhaps not. But it feels like it sometimes. Definitely feels like it when others look at me and make a judgement about who I am based on the superficials (looks, job, the way I speak).

I don't have to agree with how someone else lives, but I do need to tolerate it and let them live. So long as they don't infringe on my ability to do the same. The tolerance must be mutual, otherwise we end up where we are now: at war.We all want to find something in common with those around us.

Yep. But I think the war we are in right now is completely a financial and political decision. The fact that it was allowed to be made was dependent on our lack of tolerance and understanding. I've heard from people, "Well, it's not like the Iraquis had it better under Hussein!" as if that's enough of a reason for the U.S. to have gone in there. We haven't made changes for the better, and if that was our intent, why haven't we gone into Darfur? Or Somalia?

Snooze said...
I also agree with doug that you're probably less vanilla than you think.

Hey, maybe by calling myself vanilla, that makes me not vanilla, because no one wants to own to that, so perhaps embracing my vanilla-ness negates the vanilla quality I possess! I'm going to be Cayenne Pepper from now on.

Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author

Does this drive anyone else as nuts as it does me? Who wrote something? Was it nasty and he or she felt bad afterwards? or was it just a misspelled comment? Could it have been a double post? And how come I'm not able to delete a duplicated comment on em's blog? This is too Da Vinci Code for me.

GayProf said...
I do have to ask, though, why aren't you radical liberal?

This is a great question. Heart of the matter and all. Went to bed thinking about it, and here it is 12 hours later and I'm still thinking about it. There's a picture in my mind of what a radical liberal looks like and acts like and thinks like, and I don't fit that picture. But, as far as my faith goes, I am liberal. Liberal to the point of being radical. Keeping religious beliefs out of politics? I'm fanatical about that. When it comes to our dealings with other countries, definitely liberal. But radical? What does it really mean? And now, that I've used the word radical so much, it just sounds like a dish someone cooks in a casserole.

Here's just part of the dictionary definition:
marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional : EXTREME b : tending or disposed to make extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions c : of, relating to, or constituting a political group associated with views, practices, and policies of extreme change d : advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs.

It's that word "extreme." Extreme scares me. And, when it comes to actually putting myself on the line, my job, my reputation... I do take the time to weigh the pros and cons of a situation.

Gayprof... I'm not finished with this answer yet. A New Year's post it will be.

tornwordo said...
So what's the resolution?

My resolution is to not compare myself to others. Whether it's successes or failures.
I know, good luck with that one, right? I need to keep reminding myself that everyone is doing the best with what they have, and so am I. Back to my crazy aunt: "If everyone just got right with themselves, there really wouldn't be any problems." Simplistic, but the starting point.

knottyboy said...
As a part of the class did they slaughter a lamb and then pray to the baby jesus?

No, but we had to sit in a circle and "share" every day. One day a guy stood up, got into the middle of the circle, and started screaming at everyone. Said we had ruined the land, and stolen it from "his people" and had no respect for mother earth. He then yelled that we were the spawn of European rapists and thieves, and would never be forgiven for the atrocities we've committed.

It got very quiet very quickly in that room.


Snooze said...

Cayenne pepper! That sounds like a lot of fun. [and yes, I think anyone that knows enough to use the term 'vanilla' isn't that vanilla ;-) ]

Anonymous said...

Here's just part of the dictionary definition:
marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional : EXTREME

Wait a minute. You skipped the first and most important definition of radical, given that the word comes from the Latin radix, meaning root:

"Arising from or going to a root or source; basic: proposed a radical solution to the problem."

tornwordo said...

That was a good post, not lazy at all. Good luck on the resolution!

Chunks said...

I was reading this post and I was thinking to myself "Oh I wonder what she will say about my comment!" Then nothing. I thought "Hm, I must have said something retarded and not very comment-worthy." So I went back to see what I had said. Turns out, I said nothing. Then it all comes back to me.

I posted a comment and then the word verification was wrong but I was already clicking out when I realized my (long) comment wasn't going to make it. Damn. So I thought, "Oh I will just go back and comment" but I never made it.

Oddly though, I feel like the kid who finally gets to play in the baseball game but forget when the game starts, shows up at the last inning when the team is winning and ends up sitting on the bench watching the rest of it play out.

Wow, I had to go a long way to give a (poor) baseball analogy!

Vanilla Spice. It's like version 2 of Vanilla, only spicier!!

GayProf said...

Uh -- I deleted the comment -- I had not proofread sufficiently, so I removed the error-riddled one (sorry). Beyond spelling errors, the content stayed identical.

I don't know -- It seems like we sometimes shy away from being seen as "radical" because we are told that we should be "moderate." Some issues, though, require radical positions (human rights, for instance).

Then again, I also don't think being "radical" means that one has to blow-up a building or give away all your worldly positions. So, what do I know?

anabel said...

On the Ellen Degenerous DVD I just watched she made an interesting observation. We all are worried about what other people think of us but in reality, they are only wondering the same thing.

Kind of puts it in perspective.