Monday, November 13, 2006

So, I made my fourth phone since November 1st down to payroll. For the fourth time I got voice mail. That's excepting the time the mailbox was full. I have a mysterious deduction (and huge, over $1100!) out of this month's paycheck. I can't figure it out, and I'm leaving for New York on Friday, and it would be nice to have this figured out before I go, so I thought, oh, you know, someone could actually tell me what this deduction is for?


No one has time. No one has called me back, in almost two weeks. Today I asked the receptionist if ... let's just call her "Mean Lady" was still in; I'd drive down there and talk to her. Receptionist was very nice and said she'd walk over to Mean Lady's office.

Turns out Mean Lady was just leaving for the day, and leaves every day at four (even though the office is supposed to be open until five) and she was doing payroll this week and she's sorry she hasn't gotten back to me yet, but she's swamped and the soonest she can meet with me to discuss this is next Monday or Tuesday.


You know and I know that a face-to-face meeting is not necessary. I need five god damn minutes of her fucking precious time for her to explain to me what the problem is with my paycheck. You know, like why almost a third of it was deducted? Yeah, that. She could bring up my check on her computer, and see exactly what I see when I look at my pay stub.

The only reason I was going to go down there today was to force her to talk to me.

Why does this crap always happen to me? I'm a good person, I'm kind. I think of others quite often, and I always return phone calls within 24 hours.

Have I done something so evil in another life that I'm just paying for it with annoyances in this one now?


Anonymous said...

You need to pull out your index finger and start poking it on her desk, uttering the words in paragraph 4 through clenched teeth.

Her fingers probably slipped on the keyboards from the bacon grease that she had dripping down her chin while she was doing your paycheque. But still. What kind of a lazy, good for nothing bitch blows off someone who is missing $1100?!!

Slap her for me would ya?

Oh, and you notice my attitude? That is why bad things happen to you honey, you are too nice. You have to bitch it up a bit, make people a little bit scared of how unpredictable you can be. Don't be scared. Just ask yourself, "What Would Chunks Do?" then close your eyes and you will know.

Who is her boss? Get that fucker on the phone. The squeaky wheel gets the grease baby! Every. Time.

Doug said...

What Chunks said. Except the first part of paragraph 2. Eeeew!

We need a new bumper sticker:


Seriously, I hope this gets cleared up fast. Sending good vibes your way.


St. Dickeybird said...

This is exactly why people buy "hunting rifles" and climb bell-towers.