Torn- I wasn't scolding him, but I was whistling to get him to look at me. He was cocking his head to the side in that oh-so-lovable way. Doug - sometimes I wonder if I'd love him so much if he wasn't so Muppet-like. Chunks - I have no idea what kind of dog he is. All-American pound puppy? I got him from the shelter three years ago. He doesn't shed. Gayprof- I'm allergic to cats, so have never been particularly fond of them... however I'm sure cat is an exception. em- isn't he though?
Aw the charlie dog with the alien eyes. He looks like he thinks you're about to scold him, lol.
Very cute!
Oh God he is adorable!
I'm happy to get that eyeball reflection thing with Taz's pictures. It's the only way you can really tell he has eyes!
What kind of dog is Charlie?
Aww -- Not that I don't love Cat, but I miss having a dog.
Torn- I wasn't scolding him, but I was whistling to get him to look at me. He was cocking his head to the side in that oh-so-lovable way.
Doug - sometimes I wonder if I'd love him so much if he wasn't so Muppet-like.
Chunks - I have no idea what kind of dog he is. All-American pound puppy? I got him from the shelter three years ago. He doesn't shed.
Gayprof- I'm allergic to cats, so have never been particularly fond of them... however I'm sure cat is an exception.
em- isn't he though?
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