Friday, July 28, 2006

I haven't forgotten about Kevin, Part Two, but

I don't think my @#$@#$#! car is ever going to be fixed properly. I first took it in before the Vegas trip with Torn at the beginning of this month. Parts had to be ordered, so I had to bring it back in after I returned. Which I did. a couple weeks ago, I dropped it off early, in Goleta, which is about 13 miles from my house.

I puttered around at K-Mart and Home Depot down there, since the bus runs nowhere near my home, and it was about a bizillion degrees outside. Walking a couple miles up and back down the hill was not my idea of fun. At about 1pm, I called the shop and asked when my car might be finished. "Oh, Rodger didn't come in today. He's sick."

Great. So car not worked on. Air Conditioner still not working. And let me tell you, this is after driving back from Long Beach, on the stupid 405, in 15 mile-an-hour traffic, in 107 degree heat, with no air conditioning. It is not good. I needed the air conditioning fixed.

But what could I do? He was sick. I picked up my car, and hoped he would get better soon.

Brings us to yesterday. Yet again, I bring my car in early, drop it off, and this time, hop on the city bus back to Santa Barbara. I hang out at the mall, do a little shopping, eat lunch, do a little more shopping , and call Rodger around 3pm.

"We still have to order a part for the air conditioner. It's going to cost $200. Do you still want to get it?

YES! YES god damn it!

okay, so that was on the inside. I was all polite on the outside, and asked what time I should pick up my car. Vague, "Idunno" kind of answer. I'm getting annoyed at this point, but the guy has my car. Don't want to piss him off.

I go to the bus stop,where I watch the bus I need driving away. Wait a half an hour, ride for half an hour, and go get my car. And am told I should drive out to the Ford Dealership, which is several miles away, pick up the air conditioning part myself, and bring it back to the shop, where Rodger can fix it.


But I had dinner plans at 6pm last night.

So, I"m heading out in a bit, back to the garage, where supposedly, I will be able to wait whilst he fixes whatever needs to be fixed so I don't have to deal with being parboiled every time I go somewhere.

Please think good thoughts.


Chunks said...

I don't want to say "Conspiracy Theory" but this is just one more story of a woman getting hosed at the Garage. I don't think this would happen to a man. I will keep good thoughts for the reunion of you and your car!

r said...

Chunks... see, the guy working on my car is my good friend's husband. Honestly? I can't stand to be near him, but she was all offended that I was thinking of taking it somewhere else. So I took it to him.

And guess what? The stupid fucking "Check engine soon" light just came on. After a $700 bill!

Em... remember, we're in our 40's now.