Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Okay, okay, here I am

So, you know how you keep putting off getting back to that old friend, and the next thing you know, there's just too much to catch up on, so then you just say "forget it" and the friendship dissolves into hurriedly signed Christmas cards?

That's how I feel about catching up with this blog. Not that too many folks read it, but still. I have tried to comment a few times on other's blogs, but haven't written much of anything this last week. Sorry.

Mom is back to her old self. She was, shall we say, a hoot last Wednesday.

I picked her up at 6:30 am, and she had already taken the drug that put her in a "twilight" state. She was just like a movie drunk, giggly and unable to stand up straight. Getting her down the stairs outside her apartment was quite a feat, I tell you.

We got on the road, and I realized I didn't know where the dental surgeon's office was.

"Dat's okah huneh... I know where ih is." She told me to get off the freeway at Mission, and then turn left at Cottage. Problem is, Cottage isn't a street, it's the name of a hospital.

"No... you know... left at Cottage."
"Mom, there's no street called that. What's the name of the doctor?"
"I can't remembah that ri' now. I'll get us there...don worry. You jus' turn dow' a liddle alley way, after Cottage street."

Her surgery was at 7:00, and I was getting worried. However, Mom pulled it through. She actually got us there, and we did turn left at Cottage. Just after passing the hospital, we turned left, and then, yep, there was the alley. Got her into the doctor's office, and went to go get a mocha and entertain myself (grade papers) until she was finished.

It was supposed to take three to four hours, this surgery/root canal she was having done, but ended up taking five and a half. I should have eaten lunch.

She was ornery when I picked her up. Her lower lip was sticking way out, like a little girl who's pouting, and she was still slurring her words. She was very upset that the doctor had made her keep her mouth open for so long.

"It's so sore now. I tol' him I had the tee em jay problem, bu' he still kept my mouth open all dat time."
"Well, I don't know how else he could have done the root canal Mom..."

She was then quite angry that they had wanted to keep her partial denture. Since they had put in three new crowns, it didn't fit properly, and they wanted to keep it, to adjust it.

"Bu' I woudn' leddam. No way. I can't chew withou' that. I need ih to eat. Bu' it shur is botherin' me ri' now. It's really rubbin' agains' my cheek."

"It will do that until you get it fixed Mom."

(I know, what the hell was I thinking, trying to reason with a doped up woman? Sometimes I just don't think.)

We got home, and getting her up the stairs was even more difficult. I got her inside, and she refused to get into her nightgown and go to bed. She said she wanted to watch tv in the living room.

Okay, so I got her set up in her chair, got her some watered down cranberry juice (which she promptly spilled down her shirt because half of her mouth was still numb), and made sure she wasn't going to go anywhere.

See, I had to go get her prescriptions filled at the pharmacy. I didn't want to leave her alone, but I did need to get her medicine. Boy, was that a mistake.

to be continued...

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

How can you do that. Leave me hanging, darnit. And congrats on the lost poundage!