Thursday, December 22, 2005

The week before Christmas

Everything is so expensive right now. Charlie got sick Monday, and I woke to the sound of vomit. Vomit Vomit everywhere. Who knew such a little dog could create so much mess? $156 later, he was at home, looking pathetic on the couch, with a big lump on his back. The vet gave him subcutanious (don't know if that's spelled correctly at all) fluids under his skin, and it was all squishy at the site. He wasn't allowed water or food for the rest of the day, and I stayed with him to make sure he didn't get worse.

He's back to normal now, ready to go for a walk. That's next on my list.

Yesterday I drove to Big Lots in Ventura, and Target. Let me tell you, Target is not where you want to be 4 days before Christmas. I finished up all my shopping, except for my aunt's husband who is a real pain in the butt to shop for. I'm still waiting for two boxes to come with things from; but after that I think things will be wrapped up.

See, for the last 22 years, I've spent Christmas Eve at my friend Carol's mother's house. Well, except for the one year I stayed in Japan, but if I was in the country, I was there. Well, this year things are changing. This year her mom went to her older sister's house up north, and I'll be driving with the wonder dog down to the Valley (Like...ohmigod... I'm so sure...) to spend Saturday with her and her partner and their two dogs and two cats. I'm the one making the pierogi this year, even though I'm not Polish by any stretch. See, Carol does not cook. Barbecues, boils, microwaves, but does not cook. She said she'd buy frozen, but it's just not the same. So, I'm scouring the internet, looking for the right recipe. I think I've found it, but I'll have to let you know how it turns out.

Then, I'll spend the night, and turn around and race home to be at my mom's by 9 am. It's going to be small this year; it's my brother's girlfriend's family's turn to have them over for Christmas dinner. It feels weird calling her my brother's girlfriend; they are both 44 years old, and have been together since they were 17. Every couple of years or so, they talk of getting married, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Boring post, I know. But, that's my life this week.

Oh yeah, I lost another pound. 26.6 pounds total lost since 9/1/05. Yea me.

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

Yay, all done shopping. Glad charlie's feeling better too.

Congrats on the poundage lost!