Sunday, December 11, 2005


So, I thought I'd skated through it, but no. I haven't.

Got up today and felt like crap. I have no energy, and certainly not the spirit to get out and finish the shopping I need to do.

And yesterday? I applied for my new passport. I look haggard in the picture that was taken. You know, the one that I'll have to live with for the next 10 years?

Of course, my last passport expired 10 years ago, and I got it when I was 21. Now, that was a cute girl. But we were all cute when we were 21.

I remember getting it taken because I had horrible allergies that day, and no make-up. I was a doll.

You all know that 10 years from now I'll look at the picture from yesterday and wish I still looked like it.

We are never satisfied.

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

I hope you feel better. I missed chatting with you this weekend.