Sunday, September 25, 2005

Non-linear thinking day

Yesterday was a full day. A good one, but busy. Went on the trail behind my house again, and scoped out the doggie park for the doggie party I plan to have soon. Then we went to Stella Mare's, for my brother's 43rd birthday. While there I had the best hamburger in my whole life. It was Kobe beef, with Fontina cheese, Arugula, garlic mayo (which they called "aioli" which always cracks me up), and basalmic vinegar-marinated, grilled onions. It was amazingly tasty, and well worth the $14 price tag.

It might have tasted so wonderful because I was truly hungry. See, I started Weight Watchers three and a half weeks ago, and I'm doing pretty well. Have lost 10.6 pounds already. The big change for me is that I'm not eating anything I want, any time I want it. I'm paying attention. And man, does food taste better now or what? Sheesh.

I'll write about it in more detail another time, but my goodness, it's not that hard at all. I can still eat all the things I want to eat, but I plan to now, instead of just jamming whatever's around into my face (that could be rude, but I'm talking about food here people).

After the birthday lunch, Mom and I went to Nordstrom's. I had a dress on hold there from another store, which I had to try on. It was too big! heh. I felt good about that. I still have to shop in the large Marge section (the big woman's sizes) which somehow are always housed on the top floor of department stores, behind the bedding and housewares sections. I've never seen a petites section hidden away like that, only the fat women clothes. Which generally are comprised of tunics and track suits. Bitter I am about that. Anyway, we get to the section, and there's a model showing off some clothes...some kind of event, and the saleslady greets us as we walk up to the racks,
"Hi! We're having a celebration today. Please help yourself to cake and some punch."

Okay, we aren't big enough? They are serving cake in the Women's section of the store! The regular sizes are in the "misses" section, and then there's the petite and junior sections. Which are all on the second floor together. Are they serving cake in those sections? I think not. Probably serving carrot sticks and celery juice. Anyway, I thought it was funny. And I didn't have any cake.

Around five o'clock, Charlie and I got in the car and trundled off to Ojai to visit my friends who just bought a house there. I brought the Setgame that em introduced me too last year. Buy it, and have fun. We ate great Mexican food (still counting my points) and had a good time. The drive is about 45 minutes each way, and I got home around eleven. Very late for me.

Lastly, if you have time, go read Stacked. The post about the Camel's nose really rang true for me.


tornwordo said...

Wow, sounds like a full day. Funny the thing about the cake in the department store. Congrats on the weight loss!

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Yeah, good on you, tis hard to eat the right things, I should know I'm a big girl, gadding about a bit here and there is one way to keep some of the fat at bay ;-)