Sunday, September 04, 2005

The mundane

So, I have now found out that the worst thing to do when you have a fresh fruit stain (in my case, blackberry, on my brand new light blue hooded sweat shirt) is to put Shout or some other stain remover on it. Do they tell you this on the back of the Shout bottle? Of course not.

Yesterday at the barbecue, I popped a berry in my mouth, bite down before I shut my mouth all the way, and squirt... three drops of deep purple juice right down my front. I didn't spill any margaritas, even though those are served in the stupid tippy glasses that are just a pain to drink from. No, no. I had to get the most difficult stain to remove.

So, of course, I ran into Katrina's laundry room and sprayed Shout on it. When I got home last night, I sprayed Wine Away on it too. Then, this morning, come to find out that you aren't supposed to do that. That one should use ice water as soon as possible to get the stain out. Barring that, Vinegar is supposed to do the trick.

Too late now. Darn it. And usually I wear my ratty old black sweatshirt, but not last night. If it was black, it wouldn't show. Since it's ratty, I don't care as much about it.

But nope. Had to be wearing the new one.

So, remember folks: FRuit stains need FReezing water.

(I know it's stupid, but think how I feel).


chella said...

useful to know as i'm always dripping stuff down my front! c

tornwordo said...

Wait, what about the train ride with mom?

I guess this is more useful information anyway.