Tuesday, September 06, 2005

More and more

You know, when even Good Morning America is pointing out that FEMA isn't anywhere to be found, that's something.

I don't have cable, and so have missed most of the television coverage this last week. I do get a fuzzy Channel 3, which is the ABC station here in town. This morning I watched as people asked questions of the Governor of LA, and of the Deputy Director of FEMA. Both just skirted question after question. It was pointless.

The water is finally starting to recede, and the mayor of NO says there may be up to 10,000 dead when this is all over.

I say that number is low.

Is there anyone out there who really thinks our government is doing the best they can?

And since when does being the head of an Arabian Horse Racing association make you qualified for disaster response?

I may only be a junior high school teacher, but it sure doesn't make sense to me.


tornwordo said...

Hard to make sense of so much ineptitude.

chella said...

em's right: this is the time for us all to make a difference--help our brothers and sisters in the gulf and kick out this criminally negligent leadership! now for a walk. c